MicroTouch ONE razor is an school shave in many ways, most of them not good

As a bald man I shave a lot.  I shave my head, I shave my face and we’ve got a body shaver for those times when I hit the beach and don’t want to be mistaken by a hunter during bear season. I’ve never had a Duck Dynasty or ZZ Top style beard, but I bet it’s one I could do with ease.  The MicroTouch ONE is the modern version of the classic safety razor.    For my shave it’s a step up from waxing but not quite as good as how we’re doing it now.

MicroTouch ONE Razor

The MicroTouch ONE is made of solid brass and chrome.  Its end opens up like a butterfly where you can slide the razors in and out with ease.  That also allows for easy cleaning which should let the razors to last much longer.

It’s a heavy razor and you can feel the quality in it.  However, the feel of quality and its practical use don’t combine in the end for a satisfying shave.   It’s shorter than other hand held razors that we’ve used and takes some adjustments in getting used to it.  There isn’t as much of the cutting surface of the blade exposed as other razors.  This means that I have to tweak the angle of my hand which often means that I often cut myself, ouch.

I left the bathroom the other day with four nice cuts on my face.  “ouch”, my wife said.  On the upside it was a close shave, it just dug into my face a couple of times. If only I could’ve taken a blood test on that day.

The handle of the razor is also just a little bit slippery when it gets wet.

There are better ways to shave than this.  You might have seen the advertisement for the MicroTouch ONE razor on television.  It’s hosted by Rick Harrison, the Pawn Star star.  Don’t let his bald head alone convince you to drop down cash for this.  If you’re used to shaving with a straight razor style blade you might like it, otherwise it’ll sting a bit, draw some blood and be slippery in the palm of your hand.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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