A prize packed holiday Twitter Party from Personal Creations, #PCholiday, 12/16, 1 PM ET

This is part of a compensated campaign.  All thoughts are 100% my own.  Having said that, I really do love giving my wife and family quality gifts, it’s even better when she gives you that look like “oh, I love it!”.  Yeah, so Christmas is literally just around the corner.  Do not freak out if you need to get a couple more items.  Don’t even freak out if you need a personalized item that will blow the socks off of that special someone.  Personal Creations has some of the most unique items on the market, can personalize all of them and your wife/girlfriend or you will love them.

Family tree of hearts

My wife is like that.  She loves anything that is monogrammed, has her name or one of our child’s names on it.  In a way it’s great because as long as I can find unique things I’m all set for any holiday or gift giving occasion.

Enter the holiday twitter party with Personal Creations, 12/16, 1 PM ET.  We’ll be sharing our favorite holiday traditions and will be giving away 4-$100 gift certificates to Personal Creations.

Taking part is simple.  Just RSVP in the Linky below with your name and twitter handle and then take part in the twitter party using the #PCholiday.

Good luck, party on and enjoy those gifts that will make your bride go ‘awww he loves me so much’.   While that is true, the shopping and acquisition of these dreamy gifts was a breeze.

The #PCholiday twitter party with Personal Creations is 12/16 1PM ET and has 4-$100 gift cards in prizes for personalized holiday and more merchandise.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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