Pointing Fingers game from Hasbro review and giveaway

Pointing Fingers is a group question and answer game from Hasbro.   It takes at least three people and can accommodate as many as six players at a time.  The game can provide big laughs once it gets going and definitely works better the more people that play it.

Pointing Fingers

The game consists of 6 giant foam fingers, 6 Truth Meter discs and about 100 question cards.  The cards are divided up into “Have You Ever” and “Would You Ever” questions, with three different ones on each card.

Pointing Fingers starts out with each play putting on their foam fingers and promising to tell the truth.  Granted, you should always tell the truth, but telling the truth is crucial in Pointing Fingers being a fun game to play.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The first person to go draws one card and reads whichever question they’d like from the three choices.  Would you ever learn a foreign language to go out with someone, take a job you detested if the pay was amazing or get a job on a cruise ship are examples from one of the cards.

After the person reads the card each player answers the question from their perspective on their Truth Meter and turns their dial to never (0), once (1), sometimes (2) or always (3).  At this point the Truth Meter is turned to the individual so that the others can’t see it.

Once everybody has answered the question the person who read it counts to three and everyone points to the person they think answered with the highest number.  It may not be (3) always, but it’s the person that they think did it, or would do it the most.

Pointing Fingers game

The person who has the most fingers pointed at them turns their dial to where everyone can see it.  Everyone else follows suit and turns their Truth Meter over too.  If the others were correct and the person with the most foam fingers pointed to them has the highest score then they add that number to their Truth Meter.  The first player to 21 wins.

The game took one time playing it to really find its groove.  However, with a bigger group and proper explanation it’s lots of fun, with stories and bonding all the way around.   The box says for ages 12 and up.  However, I would recommend it for ages 14.  I over saw a game with a group of 12 year old girls and they weren’t into it at all.

Give the game two rounds and you’ll discover how fun and loose the game can be.  The questions are appropriate for any audience and are just edgy enough to be funny.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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