Unlikely Loves is feel good animal odd couples with great photos

You and your spouse have a story.  Unlikely Loves is the story of other unlikely animal loves that have happened to animals that, on paper should not even be friends.  The Girl and the Moose, The Rat and the Kitten and many other sound like old Chinese proverbs but are the charming tales of how one animal met the other and became inseparable.

Unlikely Loves

Each story in Unlikely Loves is three pages or 800 words at its longest.  There are 43 stories in the book and each one of them has cute moments that are described or pictured.  Really, just look at this photo and try not to think about the story behind it.

The Owl and the Pussycat

See what I mean?  Cats chase birds, it’s what they do.  Owls aren’t known to be creatures that stay in one place or are particularly social.  To have an owl willingly fly near the area where a cat is jumping, much less sit beside them is a fascinating story.

The vocabulary used in Unlikely Loves is an appropriate reading level for ages 8 and up.  Young animal people or kid veterinarians in training will love the book even if they can’t read it yet.  Our oldest is 4 and likes looking at the pictures while we explain to him what’s going on.

The animals in the book are broken up into those that lived at a couple animal sanctuaries, marine areas, farms and those that just made the best of it and became friends.  Because each story is relatively short Unlikely Loves is a great book to have in the bathroom.

It is not a slam to say that this is a toilet book because it’s a book that moves from the bathroom to your child’s bookshelf to your night stand.  Just this week our copy has been in all of those three areas and yours will move around too.

The photos in Unlikely Loves are big, with most of them taking up a full page.   Come for the animal photos, stay for the stories about oddball animal friendships.  Actually, Unlikely Friendships was the first book by Jennifer Holland.  That book spent 44 weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list in 2011.  If you liked that book then Unlikely Loves will certainly entertain you.  Likewise if you’re looking for a cute book about animal stories with great pictures Unlikely Loves is up your alley.  It’s like an old school kitten video, which used to be known as a book before the internet.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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