Marvel Super Hero Mashers mash ups toys fill an action toy void-review #MyMashUp

Marvel Super Hero Mashers mash up toys fill (or create) a void in the children’s toy world.  You’ve got your block type toys (LEGO or KREO) that you physically make things like ships, creatures and your action toys that come fully assembled.  These mash-ups toys from Hasbro have interchangeable parts where everything but the torso can be switched out to another hero or villain.

Hasbro Marvel Super Hero Mashers review by Daddy Mojo

Mixing together parts of toys is nothing new.  Sid from Toy Story did it, but then got scared straight when Woody talked to him.  You may have done it also with your sister’s dolls, but your mom yelled at you afterwards didn’t she?

Block type toys and action figures are different kinds of toys.  The joy of block type toys is solving the puzzle, putting together the ‘thing’ or making something that is utterly unique and new.  Action figures are played with by throwing them, having them jump off the swing set, repel down string or ride down the driveway.

All of the Marvel Mashers figures have a hand that can repel down ropes or hold onto something

Marvel Super Hero Mashers work on both levels of play.  If you have one complete action figure you can put them in the Big Wheel, monster truck or whatever and shoot them down the driveway.  If you have more than one mash up toy then you can mix up the pieces and have a Hulk/Wolverine/Doctor Doom action figure fighting a Captain America/Hawkeye mash up.  (my money’s on Hulk…)

Where the toys really succeed is that if they’re durable and can fall, repel, swing, jump or do whatever and still remain intact.  Mash them up or leave them whole, they stay in one piece with all of their limbs on the torso.

Dr. Doom Iron Patriot fighting the good fight by Daddy Mojo's mailbox

Older kids will laugh at the freaky combinations you can create.  The action figures are geared for kids 4 and up.  Our 4 YO likes the durability of them but hasn’t realized that they’re all different figures.  That is entirely my fault.  I know I should’ve taught my son about The Avengers, Infinity Gauntlet and Sinister Six by now.  I’m working on it.

The price point for the action figures is reasonable, ranging from $9.99-$19.99, depending on where you buy them and what character you get.  Marvel Super Hero Mashers come in Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, Iron Patriot, Hawkeye, Spider Man, Doctor Doom, Thor and Wolverine.

We received the toy for review purposes and all thoughts are our own.  If the toy broke, wasn’t a good value or otherwise wasn’t worth your time we’d tell you so. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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