The #LatteRomeo is here, thanks to Starbucks VIA Latte

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, in conjunction with Starbucks and Life of Dad, LLC. I was provided with samples packets of Starbucks VIA® Latte, and received compensation for participating in this promotion.

I like caffeine.  Sometimes I’ll work late at night and even when that happens our 4 year old alarm clock still comes into our room at 6:30. He’s on his time and can’t process the fact that we were up until 1:00 AM writing or watching cat videos.  When you factor in the couple of date nights, wooing your other half and so on, it gets challenging.  Starbucks VIA Latte is having a fun contest with Life of Dad that will award a $500 Stabucks gift card to the #LatteRomeo, just in time for Mother’s Day. Are you the #LatteRomeo Who is the LatteRomeo?  The #LatteRomeo keeps the house in order, brings home the bacon, cleans the toilet, watches Star Wars in the proper order 4-6 and then 1-3 (fast forwarding through the Jar Jar Binks bits) and makes his better half a Starbucks VIA Latte when they need it.

Entry is simple and your last name doesn’t have to be Spielberg to enter.  Witness.

Just make a video on Instagram and share it through Facebook, twitter too.

Tag it with #Starbucks VIA,  #LatteRomeo, @Starbucks and (optional)  #CaffeMocha or #VanillaLatte.

Submit it by 5/12/14 at 5:00 PM ET. Starbucks will award the winner based on creativity of presentation, adherence to a cheerful, uplifting theme and coffee involvement.

Easy and fun.  It takes almost no time to make a crafty video on Instagram and when you think about the $500 Starbucks gift card you could win it’s all good.  Plus, follow the #LatteRomeo hashtag on Twitter for some entertaining chatter about why people (erroneously) think they’re the Latte Romeo. Dig all about Stabucks VIA here and if need another pass at the official rules and regs check out the Life of Dad page.  Good luck!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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