Gird your taste buds; it’s a giveaway for $40 of Peeps #bpopevents

My inner monologue often ponders the question of why Peeps are so tasty.  Is it the fun shapes?  The many different colors? Or do they just taste great regardless of when they’re eaten or what shape they are? If Peeps were the shape of a flounder or a lemon would they still taste good?  I say yes and most likely you do too. We’ve got a great giveaway for $40 of Peeps, just in time for Easter.

Peeps! A 40$ giveaway of Peep grabbag goodness from Daddy Mojo

I say just in time for Easter, but in reality Peeps are a year round food group now.  OK, there is a bit of a lull over the summer, but stores start stocking Halloween candy in July.

Peeps are more than marshmallow shaped ducks and rabbits.  There are Peeps chocolate dipped marshmallow chicks, with a chocolate bottom.  Chocolate Dipped Flavored Marshmallow Chicks, Party Cake Flavored Marshmallow Chick and Peeps Sugar-Free Marshmallow Chicks.  Truth be told, I ate the sugar free Peeps and didn’t realize that they are sugar free.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The winner of this #bpopevents giveaway will receive a Peeps mega prize pack worth just under $40.  Your package will be approximately 20% bigger than this picture.  I ate a couple packages of Peeps before I could take the official photo.  This giveaway ends soon, is open to folks in the U.S-so hurry and good luck!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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