Empowering Women Together at Walmart solves your Mother’s Day gift needs

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walmart and Walmart Foundation for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I don’t panic for Mother’s Day.  In a way that by itself is a gift to my wife, a non panicked spouse is a good thing that begets more relaxation.   When you have two children under 5 a calm mom is a great thing to have, or be.  If you’re looking for some nice Mother’s Day gift ideas check out some items from Walmart’s Empowering Women Together line.

Empowering Women Together at Walmart solves your Mother’s Day gift needs

When my mom was still alive I remember giving her things that I made like crafts or pictures of places that I had been.  For the record those crafts were given well past school age.  Here’s a clock that I made!  Here’s a rock sculpture!  She was always polite in receiving them, but she was also a very tough read on what gifts to get her.

The items that are in the Empowering Women Together product line from Walmart have something in common with those gift ideas.  They feature products from all over the world that were created by small women-owned businesses.  These products range from cards, scarves, chocolate set and more. It’s a gift that really helps and has a story behind it.  The part about the items being one of a kind and truly original make it even more special.

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Dads can sweeten the pot by saying, “Sweetie, they made it just for you”.

I kid.  If I said something like that to my wife she’d just roll her eyes and wonder what I was really after.  Guys, do not say that.

For us now Mother’s Day is all about our two boys and them doing something for mom.  They already know that they need to be extra nice on that day, which will hopefully include lots of sharing, no hitting, pushing, shoving or yelling.  Mother’s Day is just once a year.  I’m just hoping that Father’s Day doesn’t include the opposite of their behavior on Mother’s Day.

Our boys don’t know enough yet to say thanks to mom on a regular basis.  They don’t realize how exhausting it is taking care of them.  It’s like you’re the lifeguard to a continually moving pool with two people whose job is just to play, learn and grow up to become healthy members of society.

Their mom is integral to them succeeding in that.

The women that are part of the Empowering Women Together program are doing their thing too.   They’re making products that are available online or in 2,600 Walmart locations.  When you purchase these products you’re helping a small business and really making a difference in the life of their family.  The bonus to you is that you get a 100% unique item to give to the woman that makes things work in your family.

The goal of Empowering Women Together is to purchase $20 billion in product through 2016. purchase $20 billion in product through 2016. They also want to aide 1 million women total, which includes local jobs, entrepreneurs, merchandisers and more.

So, what have you done for Mother’s Day? Whatever you’ve done or will do-celebrate a special lady.  That could be at home or something as simple as saying a kind word to a mom that you don’t know.  Thanks mom.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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