The Greatest Gifts for all Dads this Father’s Day at Best Buy #Ad

I’ve been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.  So with Father’s Day coming up some moms and other family friends may be in a pinch.  They need a good Father’s Day gift but when they ask dad what he’d like for his day, the response is usually ‘nothing’, ‘whatever’ or ‘socks and underwear’.  Best Buy has you covered for Father’s Day dad.

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It’s not that I’m against saying nothing, whatever or wearing socks and underwear. I say those things and wear those products every day.  It’s just that on Father’s Day, it’s nice for dad to get something fun.

What is fun to that special dad in your life will vary.  Best Buy has some handy Father’s Day categories that’ll help you figure out what to get dad.  The Entertainer is the music man cave dad.  The Gizmo Guru is the connected dad who loves his tech.  The Fitness Fanatic is moving and used technology to assist or record his action.   The Memory Maker is the dad that shoots the photos and wrangles the computers at home.

Is the dad in your life this Father’s Day a Memory Maker, Fitness Fanatic, Gizmo Guru or Entertainer?   You can look through each category and decide for yourself.  For me, I’m a combination of a couple of them all, (isn’t every dad?), but it starts with the Memory Maker and goes down into haves, needs and wants.

I shoot 90% of the photos for the family.  Recently I purchased a point and shoot digital camera and was blown away by how powerful they are now.  The Cannon PowerShot ELPH 115 is 16.0 megapixels has an 8X zoom and only costs $79.99.  This is a ‘have’ for me.   If dad doesn’t have a high quality point and shoot camera he needs one.

My ‘need’ is from the Fitness Fanatic.  If City Slickers taught us anything it’s that men, see dads, get hair in places where they don’t want it as they get older.  Witness: the nose.  The Panasonic Nose and Facial Hair Trimmer is only $14.99 and can trim all those pesky nose hairs without making you think about baseball or making you cry.

My ‘want’ is full on from the TARDIS.  Doctor Who: Series Seven is the last full season form Matt Smith as The Doctor, says goodbye to Amy Pond and hello to the new companion.  It doesn’t include the Christmas Special, but is an outstanding season and great family viewing too.

Your Father’s Day list will differ, but all purchases over $35 get free shipping.   There is also the low price guarantee, so don’t waste time checking umpteen different sites, just visit Best Buy and be secure.

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Oh, on Thursday, June 5 at 8PM ET and Wednesday June 11 at 12PM ET is the #GreatestDad twitter party with Best Buy also.  They’ll share some Father’s Day gift ideas from Best Buy and more.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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