Let out your inner Ingall-win Little House on the Prairie, Season 2

Everyone has television shows that they grew up with that triggers memories from when they were a kid.  It’s the show that, when placed against today’s television seems for the most part better, more wholesome and really embodied family entertainment. Mention family television to moms and dads of a certain age and the one show that they’ll mention is Little House on the Prairie.  The classic show about the Ingalis family experiencing life on the American frontier in the 1870s is what generations of people grew up with.

Little House on the Prairie Season Two Giveaway from Daddy Mojo

What’s great about Little House on the Prairie is that even if you didn’t grow up in the 70s you still know the show, watched it on television in repeats or told your children about the great shows that you used to watch.

This is the 40th Anniversary of Little House on the Prairie.  The cast recently reunited on the Today show.  I grew up just after Little House on the Prairie was on television but still knew all about Michael Landon.  He was the guy in Bonanza, Little House, Highway to Heaven and just looks like a nice guy who did what’s necessary, but could still beat up the bad guys, I thought to myself as a child.

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It’s fun to think about what he could’ve accomplished had he not been killed by pancreatic cancer in 1991.  His look was steely, strong, but enough so that women liked him and men wanted to be him.  He was an actor’s version of Bill Cosby’s comedy.

Little House on the Prairie Season 2 is now available on DVD.  It has, all 22 episodes form the 2nd season, a staggering 1077 minutes of family friendly entertainment and can be heard in English, Spanish or French.  The Blu-ray version includes digital download so that you can take the Ingalls anywhere you go, just in time for Mother’s Day or that trip to the beach.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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