Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Around the Clubhouse World on DVD

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is our son’s comfort food.  It’s something that he can be entertained by, laugh a little bit and find nothing scary in it at all.  They’ve got a new DVD out, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Around the Clubhouse World that features an episode by the same name, as well as, four additional episodes.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Around the Clubhouse World

Of course your kids will need some Mousketools to help Mickey and the gang navigate their way through various parts of the world.  Gondolier Goofy gets stuck in an Italian canal, Pharaoh Pete has a riddle, you’ll meet a dancing dragon at the Great Wall of China and more.

Our oldest loves Mickey Mouse Playhouse.  We cut cable to the house almost two years ago and the absence of this show was one of the things that he missed the most.  Shortly after the cord was cut the show was available on Roku and the price point per episode was reasonable.

Likewise this DVD.  It’ll cost $15 for 5 episodes.   The cost to purchase one episode is $2.99.  However, the benefit of buying the DVD is that you can play it in multiple languages.  That way if you’re teaching your children Spanish or French you can simply have the dialogue in that language for practice or immersion .  Also with the DVD you get a passport activity booklet for the kids to put stickers into.

The other episodes on the DVD are Donald and the Beanstalk, Goofy on Mars, Mickey’s Handy Helpers and Pluto’s Dinosaur Romp.  It is kind of odd that the title of the DVD, Around the Clubhouse World doesn’t really jive with the rest of the episodes.  Granted they are travelling with they go to Mars, the beanstalk or to the dinosaur, but that’s a bit of a stretch.

In the end, ironically, it’s all good because the non-title episodes were the ones that our oldest son liked the most.  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Around the Clubhouse World has a running time of just over two hours and will entertain kids up to age 8.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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