Ditch the script on fatherhood #WorldsToughestJob #ad

Recap:  I’m a stay at home dad.  I get the blessing of being around our two children all day long.  It is the #WorldsToughestJob.  Some would view this as an albatross and others as a complete blessing.  And to be honest it all depends on what time of day as to how I would answer that question.   However, once the dust settles my answer will always be that it’s an honor and privilege to be a father.

FB-Dadmiration (2)

However, every day I drop the script and realize that no matter how well planned my day may be, the children will always shake things up.   In my mind I have perimeters that I know will be sacrificed and some that have zero tolerance.  For instance running with a crayon is not desirable, but acceptable, but running the parking lot means stopping the fun immediately and going home.

The unscripted moments can happen anytime.  Like when you pass a cemetery and your son thinks that it’s heaven.  How about when you’re desperately trying to get your children to the car and one of them does something so absolutely precious that you have to hug them at that moment?  It’s that perspective from your children that stop you in your tracks and make you realize that it’s in those moments when you go off scrip that memories are made.

I was trying to get a photo of the two of them on the wooden train, back to back.  I was bribing them, raising my voice and trying to get them to do what I wanted. Then this happened.  It wasn’t the photo I wanted, but in the end it was better than the photo I wanted.

Boys at the park

Cardstore has a new feature on their site that can make those photos come to life. You can load your photos into their cards for your use.  You can also edit the words in the card to be as clever, sweet, loving or whatever message you want to get across. The program was super simple to use and I created our Father’s Day card in 10 minutes.  You can have it mailed to you or to the person that’s getting it in the mail.  Order by June 9 and you’ll get a card that competes with the gift.

Making the Father's Day Card

Also, as an ex-PR guy and dad I take note of how dads are portrayed.  The Dad  Casting from Cardstore nails it to the floor.  The way that the actors are stumbling and appear disingenuous for the first two minutes-until they’re instructed to speak to the teen actors they way that their dad spoke to them.

Boom, those actors nail it to the floor and need to break it method style more often.  That is a great spot.

Also, dig the Dad Tracker.  It’s like the Santa radar on Christmas Eve except it tracks cool words about great dads.

And, join the #WorldsToughestJob twitter party, Friday, June 6 at 1 PM ET.

Cardstore Twitter V3 (1)










Disclosure: I partnered with Cardstore from American Greetings and Life of Dad, LLC for the #WorldsToughestJob Dad Casting Father’s Day promotion and was compensated for my involvement.



















And, join the #WorldsToughestJob twitter party, Friday, June 6 at 1 PM ET.

Cardstore Twitter V3 (1)

Disclosure: I partnered with Cardstore from American Greetings and Life of Dad, LLC for the #WorldsToughestJob Dad Casting Father’s Day promotion and was compensated for my involvement.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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