Kiditec is the best building block toy you’ve never heard of

We received a copy of the toy for review.  All thoughts are our own and not something we just put together…..  Just what parent’s need, another building block toy.  But wait, Kiditec is different and actually fills a void.  Imagine a durable, building block toy that your child can construct with plastic screws and a big plastic screwdriver.  This toy has wheels, can move and be built upon any number of ways.  Its only limit are the number of pieces you have and your child’s imagination.  That is Kiditec.

Kiditec box

The plastic screw, screwdriver and the fact that it’s a toy, as well as, a construction toy are what really peaked our interest.  We love putting together LEGO and KRE-O sets, but their play certainly has durability concerns.  However, most of the fun in those types of building sets is putting them together and creating things.  Kiditec differs from those and others in that their creations can crash, move and play.  Think of it as a plastic version of a building Erector Set.

Kiditec construction

Our 5 year old could put together most of the creations in the Kiditec Cars and Stars Building Kit, but he’s at the older end of the age for this toy.  It can build 16 different things (with directions-unlimited # if you free range create stuff) about half of which have the directions in the manual that comes with the toy.  The rest of the toys can be made by going to their website and finding the code for the thing that you want to build.

All of the pieces in the Kiditec set are big and slip into each other easily.  The larger pieces have three or four angled slots that allow the others to slip seamlessly over.  From there you can screw the wheels in and make vehicles.  There are some locking nuts that need to be put in-between the pieces, but after you put together a couple models you’ll understand how they lock together.

Kiditec creation

I figured it out after one model and our son knew what had to be done after a couple model but still needed some prompting putting them into place.  He really liked it because the pieces were bigger and there wasn’t so much of concern about losing any of them.  As any good LEGO or KRE-O dad has taught their children, it’s put the pieces on the table so that you don’t lose any of them.

Some of the creations in the Cars and Stars Building Kit move, some don’t.  He alternates between what he likes more.  Currently he’s in the non-wheel creations like this robot that he put in his room with all of his valuables.  You can also see that he’s into Star Wars, Captain Underpants and other action figures.

Kiditec statue

Kiditec sets do cost more than the building block sets that you’re used to.  The set in question that we reviewed cost 80 Eros or about $130.  When you visit their website it’s in German, but will immediately translate to your preferred language.  The upside is that they can do more, are super durable and will last them for a minimum of three years.  You can also build on them to become an expert builder at creating bigger set pieces.

Our son is experimenting now with making his own creations and that’s what toys like these are really for.  It’s the making of new things and using their imaginations why parents get toys like these.  Kiditec is a fun, durable toy that can do a lot for children ages 3 and up.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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