Raise Your Hand by The Not-Its is kindie rock at its best

There is a fine line between parody and children’s music.  Good children’s music, kindie, is different beast entirely.  Factor in trying to make great kindie music when you already have a reputation in that genre and it can be easier or more difficult.

Actually, The Not-It’s have been making great kindie music for five years, it’s just me that’s late to the party. Their music is immediately catchy.  From the first hook you are bopping your head, tapping your toes or jamming out to your air guitar.  The songs are current, but have such a throwback vibe of mid-90s alt rock you’ll be looking at your calendar just to confirm that new episodes Saved By the Bell aren’t on television this Saturday.

This is where The Not-Its thread the line between parody, kindie music and rock with precision.

Their songs grab the attention of children and doesn’t let go.  Funniest Cat Video has the title that makes it close to parody, but stays firmly in the concentric circle of child friendly rock.  It’s got clever lyrics, sharp guitar licks, a guitar meow and a steady rhythm that makes your (you, really) children want to hear it again.

From there the disc picks up speed, ripping into (The Scab Song) When I Fell.  A great rock song with strong guitar about the shape of a scab?  It’s possible, not disgusting and rocks.  It also teaches kids that it’s OK to fall, skateboard and have scabs that look like Mount Rushmore.  Parents will also love the harmonies in the song about 2/3rds through it.

The lead vocals are done by Sarah Shannon who used to be the singer of Velocity Girl.  I was a big fan of theirs back in the day. The Not-Its also include Michael Welke, the drummer from Harvey Danger, Danny Adamson on rhythm guitar, Tom Baisden on lead guitar and Jennie Helman on bass.

I’m using the word ‘rock’ a lot, don’t be put off by that.  It’s not heavy at all, but some of the songs have just a little bite, something that is rarely heard in children’s music.  Love Is Love is a J-Pop esque song about family and how they’re all different but make up love.  It may sound sappy when I write it, but when it’s in song form by The Not-Its you’ll love it.

Another favorite of ours is Great Day, a relatively short song that has really strong drums.  Just when the drums pause you’ll hear the steady rhythm guitar, then sharp lead guitar, a little keyboard, more drums, harmonies and you’re having fun.

Most every song on Raise Your Hand is fun.  The lyrics are those that children can relate too and the music is such that children and adults will enjoy it. This is great music and blows the Christmas music test out of the water.  It succeeds as kindie music that you will listen to with and without the kids.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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