The Phillips Norelco Shaver 9000 cuts close, quick and charges fast

The Phillips Norelco Shaver 9000 cuts close, quick and charges fast

I shave my head. It’s relevant to state that because it makes me shave my face more than I would like. For a while I tried shaving the head and letting the facial hair grow out. However, that look was not for me and it didn’t last long. We were offered the chance to review the Philips Norelco Shaver 9000. Normally we use an electric razor, except for those special occasions and were eager to try a new, cutting edge razor.

The Phillips Norelco Shaver 9000 cuts close, quick and charges fast

That phrase, ‘except for those special occasions’ sound odd, but electric razor users know what I’m talking about. In most cases your electric razor is fine, but it does not cut close enough for when you really need to look, or feel your best.

Spoiler alert: the Phillips Norelco Shaver 9000 passes that test and it feels like I just received a razor close shave every time I use it.

The name, Phillips Norelco Shaver 9000 sounds like an advanced serial number that belongs to Skynet or some high end car. It is advanced. From the moment it’s charged you know that this changes the game when it comes to shaving with an electric razor.

It’s got 3 different shaving heads that move in 8 directions, independent of each other and cut up to 20% more hair. The product box says that it cuts 30% closer. Normally I’d toss that under marketing speak, but it does shave closer. This razor is a huge jump up from our previous Norelco electric shaver. Score one for technology and innovation. Make a better mousetrap, in this case a razor, and they will come-and in this case shave. Is there anything that you think of that has made a dramatic improvement with a device that does the same thing?

You knoww the feeling you get just after you have a razor shave? You get that with the Phillips Norelco Shaver 9000. It’s baby bottom smooth. The razor also gets that impossible area on your neck, just below your jawbone that snags your shirt collar. Even that area is baby bottom smooth. I’m totally creating a cocktail for Father’s Day and naming it Baby Bottom Smooth.

The shaver has three settings and mine is usually on fast, because my facial hair is akin to steel wool and hurts (so I’ve been told) to get near when I don’t shave. For the record the other two settings are slow and medium.

It takes me less time to shave. Previously I had to allocate at least five minutes to shave. Granted I could walk around, watch Phineas & Ferb with the kids, but the buzz of the razor interfered with the television and our oldest would ask that I leave the room.

Oh, look, or rather listen. The Norelco 9000 is much quieter.  The first time you turn it on you’ll do a double take because it’s like a jet engine compared to your other electric razors.

The Phillips Norelco Shaver 9000 cuts close, quick and charges fast 3

This is a great shaver that really exceeded our expectations. The entire process was effortless until we had to get the shaver out of the SmartClean System. To remove the razor just lightly tap the top of the system and it comes up, allowing you to remove the shaver. Once I realized how easy it was to remove I reminded myself of Occam’s razor, which doesn’t shave as cleanly as this one.



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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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