HH Gregg for Father’s Day and beyond makes cents

HH Gregg for Father’s Day and beyond makes cents #ad

We were compensated for this post. All thoughts are our own, our money saving, technology loving own. Today we went to the Ultimate Chore Challenge Obstacle Course at an HH Gregg near us. It was a one day event where people could compete in basic household chores for the chance to win big prizes.  There were plenty of kids involved in the activities and there are even lots of options for everyone to win, especially on Father’s Day.

HH Gregg for Father’s Day and beyond makes cents

I should say that the chore challenge was 100% respectful. It didn’t portray dads as being a doofus or not being able to do anything. It was basic things like getting the laundry out of the drier, making the bed, tending to the grill and putting the groceries away.  The event had men, women and children participating and having fun.

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Everyone was given an HH Gregg plastic football and an All Pro Dads t-shirt. Once folks signed in then the games-and chances to win hundreds of dollars in prizes could start. The winning time to get the clothing out of the drier, make the bed, get the food off of the grill, put the food in the refrigerator and throw a football in the drier was just over :40.

This wasn’t all about athletic prowess though. When you signed in you were given a raffle ticket that got you entered for the big prizes like a new table (just for the kids), a grill, $500 gift card to HH Gregg and an All Pro Dads Gift Bag.

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A couple of competitors went through the course with each one being quicker than the other  and then Georgia let loose on some very quick pop up thunderstorms. In between one of the storms the crowd even did a little line dancing.

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While, the first two storms were cute, the third one produced a long and drenching rain. Everybody gathered under the tent and the giveaways were completed. As evident by the below photo, lots of folks were super happy to get tablets for their children or grills, just for coming out and playing along.

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Inside the store, and still going on  now for that matter were lots of Father’s Day deals for you to celebrate. There are some, pardon the pun…..storming deals at HH Gregg going on now on things that we know firsthand are awesome.

We’ve had a Roku for years and absolutely love it. The Roku 3 Streaming Player retails for $89.99 and has helped our lives immensely. Really? Yes, really. We watch better television, don’t feel forced to surf the channels to watch something and have hundreds of more options for the children to watch.

For the past two years we’ve been shooting with the sister camera of the Samsung 16.2 Megapixel with 12X Zoom. It’s great, has a long zoom and shoots as good as our big, black camera that we also shoot with, but this one fits in our pocket.

There are dozens of other deals this Father’s Day, check out the website for all of them. HH Gregg also has a clearance section that you can look over online. Man Rule #789, always check out the clearance section.

That’s us and what we did today. What technology do you need? If you need any tech and have a fun story to let us know why the need is there please share it with us in the comments.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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