A look at the all age toys for Jurassic World

A look at the all age toys for Jurassic World

The other day at the gym when I was picking Jake up from their daycare the worker asked me if he had seen Jurassic World. He was wearing a Jurassic Park t-shirt and had told some kids that he’d seen the new movie. For the record he hasn’t see it and Jurassic World is a hard PG-13. However, the toys for Jurassic World are awesome for all ages. They have a variety of dinosaurs and action vehicles that are detailed enough for kids 5 and up, but have big enough features for those that are 3 or older. We were sent the Playskool Heroes Jurassic World Dino Tracker Helicopter to review and here are our thoughts.

A look at the all age toys for Jurassic World

OK, before we were sent the helicopter we saw the Jurassic World toys at our local store and the kids immediately gravitated towards the dinosaurs. They both love dinosaurs and I hope their fascination in them never ends. If they wanted to go on a dino dig in South Dakota when they’re 8 and 10 I would be 100% on board with that idea.

My take away from playing with the dinosaurs in store was that they were all very realistic and had lots of parts that moved. Most of the heads moved, some of the jaws chomped up and down and all of their legs moved. They’ve also got lots of realistic colors, came in a variety of sizes and had the correct names like Ceratosaurs that we’ve been learning.  I also liked that they were hard plastic, but not the super hard material that you find on some dinosaurs.

A look at the all age toys for Jurassic World 3

The Jurassic World Dino Tracker Helicopter has a couple of neat features that kids will love playing with. It should be noted that we received the toy in early June, but had to keep wrestling it away from his hands to dig into it ourselves. One of the features that he liked about the helicopter was the trigger on the back of the unit that fires a light from its front as the blades go around. It’s a red light in the shape of a dinosaur foot print that goes from side to side as you squeeze the trigger. He keeps it under his covers and hunt for the dinosaur at night.

A look at the all age toys for Jurassic World 2

Another thing that he really likes about the toy is dinosaur and the hook that wraps around things. He also traps his Spider-Man toys and other things before dropping them off in his ‘treasure box’.  The toy also comes with a Jurassic World employee who pilots it, but he’s also been known to be in the hook while other guest pilots, like Green Lantern, rogue pirates and other folks.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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