Sonic Boom Tails’ Plane with Tails is durable, active play kids 4 and up 1

Sonic Boom Tails’ Plane with Tails is durable, active play kids 4 and up

Well hello Sonic; I knew you as a video game back in the day, now you’re back as a show on Cartoon Network and a lineup of toys to boot. First off, I’d like to thank you for not being in Pixels. We’ve heard nothing but negative things about that film and we like you just fine on your television show.  It’s great that Tails is getting some attention too. While you’re the namesake, Tails’ ability to fix things and flip about has always been something that we’d like to emulate. We played with Tails’ Plane with Tails and aside from the way our mind twists due to the number of times we said tails, the toy is quite nice and is one that our five year old likes to fly around the house.

Sonic Boom Tails’ Plane with Tails is durable, active play kids 4 and up 1

The first thing that I notice when I pick up the toy is that it has some substance behind it.  This is a handheld toy that uses the imagination and creativity of children to fly around, but it’s heavier than you’d think it would be-and it has a couple neat bells and whistles to keep things active.

As the name of the toy and our earlier soliloquy bring up, Tails’ Plane with Tails includes a Tails action figure. He’s highly movable as his arms can rotate 360 degrees and go back and forth like a real person. For older Sonic Boom players who might have seen The Exorcist his head can also go around 360 degrees in case they’re channeling Linda Blair as Tails whilst having fun.

Sonic Boom Tails’ Plane with Tails is durable, active play kids 4 and up 2

Other figures are also available for purchase and have the same degree of mobility. Sonic is slightly bigger though, but I blame that on his hedgehog lineage, which also give is hair that cool, blown back, Anime look.

Tails fits snugly in the cockpit of the plane and rarely falls out. We flew the plane upside down, in a quick zigzag pattern and he just sat there grinning like a Cheshire Cat. The back seat has an ejector seat that propels whoever is sitting back there out of the plane. It’s not as strong as the ejector seat from a James Bond car mind you; Tails’ ejector seat merely pushes them up and lets gravity take its course.

It would’ve been nice to have that part of the toy throw the people out farther. However, the triggering unit behind the two dual projectile launchers is spot-on. They really fire and can knock down any paper targets that you happen to set up.

Sonic Boom Tails’ Plane with Tails is durable, active play kids 4 and up 3

The plane also has a trigger activated propeller. All our child does is squeeze the trigger on the bottom of the plane and the propeller starts to wind up. As that same time the lights on the plane start to flash and we hear the noises of the engine. What’s more, when we fly the plane around it plays different pitch sounds from the engine. When the plane is going up it makes real engine sounds as if it’s doing that. It’s the same when the plan is going down, doing tricks or simply being carted around in your backpack.

As with any active play toy worth its salt, the wings come apart from the plane’s body when it crashes. That could factor in to the weight and the fact that this feels like a real toy and not some cheap thing that was stitched together overnight.

We’re testing out Tails’ Plane With Tails ..,., for the kids. #sonicboom

A video posted by Trey Burley (@treyburley) on

Kids that already know Sonic Boom will enjoy playing with Tails’ Plane with Tails as will those that don’t know the series. “Does he have a movie”, our oldest asked about Tails. Bless his heart, he wants his toys to have their own movie, or vice versa. Either way this is a solid toy that will let kids 4 and up role play with Tails and his stunt plane. The toy also gets bonus points for having packaging that is 100% recyclable and using AAA batteries instead of those annoying button ones. You can get Tails’ Plane at Amazon and Toys R Us.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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