10 things I’m thankful for on Netflix

10 things I’m thankful for on Netflix

We’re part of the #StreamTeam and were compensated. Having said that, there are all things that I watch and love. This is a great time of year to be thankful. As we stream all of our entertainment I find myself discovering new things and going back to the old classics. Granted, old classics is relative and people like different things. These are my personal classics that I’m thankful for Netflix having. Two of them aren’t available for streaming, but Netflix has the DVD and it’s worth the wait. The rest of them are fabulous for adult audiences, once the kids are in bed.

10 things I’m thankful for on Netflix

Kung Fury

You might have seen the trailer for Kung Fury. It’s a ridiculous plot about a cop from Miami in 1985 who is instilled with super karate powers and is sent back in time to kill Hitler.  Kung Fury is also fabulously entertaining. Its soundtrack, visuals and absolute send up of multiple stereotype of mid 80’s films make this short film a joy to watch.

The language in Kung Fury, as well as, some of the action is meant for adults. This is a B movie that makes people want to watch B movies. It doesn’t take itself seriously, moves incredibly quick and has more humor and heart than most of the movies it lampoons.

Arrested Development

Oh Bluth family, I can’t quit you. Arrested Development’s casting was perfect and the dialogue is impossibly fast and funny. It was lightning in a bottle that still makes laugh after I’ve seen episodes several times.


Humor, action, sci-fi and heart have rarely been combined in such entertainment and finesse. Its sequel was as good, if not better and will draw in people who don’t think that they like sci-fi. The odds on a third movie are slim, so enjoy the first one on demand.


Jean-Claude Van Damme has certainly made movies that are not entertaining. Kickboxer is not one of them. This is almost B grade movie, but rises just a bit above that. The plot is something you might have heard before, but Tong Po and the other classics from this film make us want to see more. Good thing Kickboxer: Vengeance comes out in 2016.

The Legend of the Drunken Master

This early Jackie Chan film is testament to how entertaining he was back in the day. His martial arts skills were unparalleled and his stunt work is legendary. There was a string of movies where he one-upped his previous stunts. The Legend of the Drunken Master is considered his best martial arts work and is from 1994.


In the early to mid 90’s Jackie Chan could (almost) do no wrong. In Supercop his stunt work and martial arts hit their peak in this start to finish film that is solid entertainment.


This French movie is for people who they don’t like subtitles. Amelie is the story of a quirky, young French girl who moves to the city. Once there she decides to help those that work with her. Based on that description I wouldn’t see the movie either. However, the details in the story, acting the editing, music and charm make this one of our favorite movies of all time.

Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior

Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior is a master class in Muy Thai fighting and creative stunt work. You will find your mouth open, shaking your head at some of the things you see on screen. You’ll then re-wind it, watch it again and again. Ong-Bak is rated R for violence, language, drug use and some sexuality.

On DVD: The Orphanage and The Raid: Redemption. These two are not available to stream, but they are amazing movies. The Orphanage has a horrible title, standard plot of a mother who brings her family back to her childhood home that used to be a home for handicapped children. What follows is a moody, atmospheric film that made me cry out of emotion-not fear, but there is plenty of that too. The Raid: Redemption is the next big step in action film making from Supercop and Ong-Bak.  It’s violent, in no way for kids and is like Diehard, but more intense.  Drug dealing Muy Thai experts in a high rise that are out to kill a team of police that think they’re entering the building undetected. Both of these are available from Netflix on DVD and are worth the wait to get them in the mail.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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