A child’s dinner and dad eating Denny’s Fit Fare

A child’s dinner and dad eating Denny’s Fit Fare

We’re a Denny’s Ambassador and were compensated for this post. All thoughts are our own.   October is a manic month in our house populated with four family birthdays, countless fall festivals and our own personal need to relax. Jake just turned 6 and he loves Denny’s. He calls the one in our area the ‘castle Denny’s’ because it looks like a log cabin inside. For his birthday meal he called the shots and he said he wanted to go to the castle Denny’s.

A child’s dinner and dad eating Denny’s Fit Fare

This place has memories for us. It’s one of the first public places that his younger brother, Charlie, used the toilet. That was a big step for him and we celebrated that day by getting a big fudge brownie with ice cream; although it’s entirely possible I would’ve ordered that anyway.

When we got there for the special birthday trip the kids were excited, sat down and asked which animal cups were available. It’s their thing-cups with animals in the bottom of it. When they outgrow this phase a little part of me will be very sad. They then looked for the kid’s menu, started coloring, doing the crafts and imagining what they’d eat.


The only constant was desert. I explained to them that they have to eat the meal, in order to get the desert. However, by then I had lost their attention span so I went ahead and ordered what I thought they’d like. My choice to order was much simpler.

A child’s dinner and dad eating Denny’s Fit Fare


Partially because of the busy month and the increased opportunities to eat through the rest of the year I went with the Fit Fare Alaska Salmon. The Fit Fare menu at Denny’s is a separate menu that’s packed with 10 options to eat well (and plenty) in a manner that won’t impact your bottom line. Some of the food might be lean-with less than 15 grams of fat, light-under 550 calories, have over 20 grams of protein or have over 8 grams of fiber. Whichever item you choose from the Fit Fare menu it’ll be clearly labeled which camp your food is in. For the record our salmon was less than 550 calories and came with steamed veggies on a bed of rice.

A child’s dinner and dad eating Denny’s Fit Fare

The #BYOGrandSlam is another option to eat till your full. It has over 250 ways to create your own Grand Slam with the calories being less than 550.

It was our child’s birthday and we went on a Tuesday between 4PM & 10PM. However, if you go to Denny’s on your birthday you can get a free Grand Slam Breakfast-did you know that? And every Tuesday children eat free between 4 and 10.

We planned carefully and three people ate for the price of one. Granted I did have to get a desert, but that was (mainly) for the kids. It would’ve been a perfect birthday meal experience if we had gotten something from the claw machine, but again, that experience was for the kids.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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