Modarri cars, durable, buildable kits for 8 and up 2

Modarri cars, durable, buildable kits for 8 and up

We were provided with product for review.  All thoughts are our own. Large plastic buses are the gateway for kid vehicles. When they turn 4ish, they start to crave Hot Wheels and it’s possible that phase lasts for decades. Shortly after this age kids want to create things.  Certainly the age of LEGO will satisfy that. However with cars kids want to pretend they’re driving them, push them down with their fingers and have them careen of cliffs, play sets or race down the driveway. Modarri is the car that fills this void, it’s something that children 8 and up can build, customize, is highly durable and rolls without any effort.

A Modarri kit comes with everything (including the screwdriver) that a child needs to create their own finger driven car. You can choose from dirt, street or track, with each design taking on a scaled down appearance of their full size brethren.

Modarri cars, durable, buildable kits for 8 and up

Construction starts with putting the struts on the vehicle. When you do that you’ll notice that they feel like struts. Each wheel turns independently and there’s a real spring that gives the wheels a suspension that you’ll feel as you push the car around with your finger.

Modarri cars, real struts that really work on a garden scale cruiser

From there you can add one to three different frames that will fully dress your vehicle or make it more streamlined. Without a doubt though the coolest thing about Modarri is the fact that it feels and looks like a real car. They come with a ‘real’ license plate that you can load into their website for special features and a chance to share photo of your front yard fast and furious scale car.

Modarri cars, durable, buildable kits for 8 and up 2

We had three children put our cars together. The 5 year old needed lots of help, in fact I ended up doing it for him. A 9 year old found it very simple and an 11 year old did it without thinking. The sweet spot for Modarri cars is an 8-10 year old child. They’re still young enough to really play with model cars and want to push it off high places, race it across bouncy surfaces and more. Our 11 year old was content, but lost interest after five minutes.

Back to the younger age kid for a moment. He loves playing with the car. He doesn’t like pushing it with his fingers so much as he simply likes pushing it and watching it go. His younger brother likes pushing it with his finger, imagining that he’s a scale sized race driver listening to Primus.

Modarri cars, too small for the kids to really drive, but it comes with a real license

At $19 a car this is more expensive that the play car you’re used to; but it has a couple of options, is very well made, sturdy and will last for years.  You can also purchase extra tires or body options to trick your car out in case of sibling competition.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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