Star Wars The Force Awakens spoiler free review

Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoiler free review

Read on, as with most Star Wars: The Force Awakens reviews, this one is spoiler free. This film is the largest Event film in decades. Sure teen vampires and middle Earth were event films, but they pale in comparison to the hype,  hoopla and scope of anything involving this.  Skeptical I was about the new films, especially after the most recent three. However, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is great. It’s the most enjoyable film in the cannon of Star Wars. For us, it tops A New Hope and goes Empire Strikes Back on the film that inspired the term when a sequel is better than the original.

Star Wars The Force Awakens spoiler free review

The Force Awakens takes place 30 years after Return of the Jedi. The Force is a mysterious thing that most people think is a legend that might not have existed. The First Order is formed up from the shattered Empire and the Resistance are still a bunch of rag tag fighters.

Rey is an orphan who gets finds junk and sells it to purchase food. She’s waiting for her parents to return and all seems like it’s going well until something happens that causes her to realize that she has a greater calling. Daisy Ridley is great at Rey, she’s a riot grrrl warrior who brings strength, as well as, apprehension to this new world that she’s thrust into.

Joining her for this journey is John Boyega’s Finn. He brings swagger and comic relief, much in the way that Harrison Ford did to the original films, but with less of a tough guy aurora. Another great performance is delivered by Oscar Isaac. He plays Poe Dameron a Resistance fighter pilot who manages to transcend the cockpit that those character sit in for most of their time in the film. More of Poe in the next film please.

It also brings back Han Solo, General (Princess) Leia, and Luke Skywalker. I was skeptical about involving the original characters because the universe is a big place and a quality Star Wars film could certainly be make without them. While that is possible, their presence in The Force Awakens was organic, welcome and one that brought cheers from the crowd on multiple occasions. It also helps that they’re  actually integral to the story and aren’t just brought in as props or feel good cameos.

Cheers from the crowd. It’s been a long, long time since cheers from the entire crowd has happened in the movie theater. This is also a fun film. You won’t be tempted to look away while you’re seated in the theater. It’s fun throughout, well crafted and has something for everyone.

What is great about this is that it’s a great movie and a great Star Wars film. Much like James Bond, fans of the series will cut the bad ones some slack. All you need to do is look at the prior three films in this cannon to realize that fact. The Force Awakens is great from start to finish.  Fans of Star Wars will be pleased beyond belief and people who have never seen one of the films will easily catch on and enjoy what they see.

JJ Abrams absolutely nails the feel of the classic Star Wars films. The wide shots that feature as much background as they do add to the story were a great component of them. Creatures and aliens in the film are fresh, imaginative and look real. Real. Just like cheers from the crowd it’s something that’s been lacking from on screen science fiction. Kudos to Abrams for using as little CGI as possible when it came down to the creatures, the makeup, creativity and a little Muppeting all paid off.

The Force Awakens is review proof. Having said that, elements of the film are predictable and do track very closely to other Star Wars films. The film also ends on a note that essentially says, “see you in two years for more adventures”.  Had the film not been so well done it’s a statement that might not be welcome. But with popcorn films like this audiences kind of expect that-and as long as the film are enjoyable I’m OK with that too.

It’s rated PG-13 for combat action sequences, a couple heavy dramatic elements and peril. Kids everywhere will want to see this film. 11 and up won’t have any problem with its content. 10 year olds probably won’t have any problem with it. 8 through 10 will cover their eyes during part of it and squirm with delight during the rest of the film.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

2 thoughts on “Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoiler free review”

    1. It was the fastest email we’ve ever opened. It was in Atlanta Tuesday morning and quite thrilling to be there. #Giddy. A 7YO who has a smart parent (see: you) should be OK if they’ve seen ‘combat’. In this case it’s laser blasts and a light saber or two through the chest.

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