Squirrel king, craft, green thumb, squirrel king craft kits, STEM,

Squirrel King Craft Kits, glue-free, eco friendly crafts for 6 and up

Call it an entry paper offering to origami. Squirrel King Craft Kits are a series of crafts that don’t require any glue and create something whimsical. The end goal is permanent because you’re using stickers, so bend and stick carefully. However, for children (mainly girls in this case) who want to create something with their hands in a truly organic way, this is the ticket.

Squirrel king, craft, green thumb, squirrel king craft kits, STEM,

Each pack has everything that you need to create the wheel barrow, car or whatever it is you’ll be building. Be careful not to unpack its contents until you’re ready to start. Our over-zealous helper dumped everything out on the table and misplaced one stick that was about 2’ long. Thankfully in our case we were able to cut a toothpick to approximately the same width so that the project would work.

Similar to other building toys, the Squirrel King Craft Kits have lots of activities that promote the STEM elements of learning. It’s hands on, soup-to-nuts activity that kids can physically touch, build and see, plus there are tangential elements that can teach leverage, balance and more. The project is also eco friendly, doesn’t require any glue and it’s all put together using stickers, bent paper and sticks in holes.

One thing that our young audience wanted was a squirrel that could play with the car and other projects. I explained to them that this craft is meant for kids 8 and up and that the squirrel was more of a mascot, than a toy that came with the craft. 8 or older is the right age range for this craft, some of the folds that they’ll need to make will be too challenging for kids younger than them.

Squirrel king, craft, green thumb, squirrel king craft kits, STEM,

However, the intended age for the craft may also ask about the squirrel. The box has a very festive looking squirrel on the Speed Racer and working with the Green Thumb wheelbarrow. A plastic, appropriately sized action figure just doesn’t have the right ‘vibe’ if you place them in this eco craft.  Praise the long tailed tree rodents because squirrels can be purchased in a different craft pack.  This is great because it’s a craft that’s intended for ages 6 and up, so our kids could make their own.

This package makes three squirrels, sells for $19.99, made of recycled materials and even the packaging can be put in the ground where it’ll then sprout wild flowers. That is pretty cool. The Speed Racer car that we made costs $5.99 while the Green Thumb is $7.99. As a toy the price point makes me hesitate, but once you factor in that it does have some STEM applications, is all natural and a craft for ages 8 and up we recommend it.

Our barometer is the birthday party test. We don’t spend more than $8 for our child’s birthday party gifts. If the gift is that price or under and something that we think other kids would enjoy then it’s a-go for the gift. Using that standard it’s worth checking out Squirrel King, just realize that the sticker crafts require patience and are for 8 and up. The younger crafts look simpler and would be game for those 6 and up.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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