Action Cat & Monster Bug, Action Cat, Monster Bug, all age, lizard gun, super powers,

Action Cat & Adventure Bug #1, fabulous, humor, action all age comic

Action Cat & Adventure Bug. The title by itself, even without knowing anything about whatever it is makes you smile. When you see Action Cat & Adventure Bug #1 from Dark Horse Comics you know why. The art immediately grabs any age reader with its big images, happy characters, action and lots of glorious color everywhere you look. The combination of Baltazar and Franco is recognizable from Itty Bitty Hello; folks may also know it from Tiny Titan or other go-to titles for all ages.

Action Cat & Monster Bug, Action Cat, Monster Bug, all age, lizard gun, super powers,

This is a great comic. Action Cat & Adventure Bug has action, laughs, strong female characters and story to engage readers 5 and up. Our 4 year old looks at the comic too and laughs at the art and story, but can’t quite read the dialogue yet. Even better, this is an all age comic that is equally as great for boys or girls.

The dialogue is on a level where a 6 year old can read most of it with just a little help on some of the bigger words.  Action Cat & Adventure Bug has two stories, one of them being about an Evil Cat and his Lizard Gun that turns anything it hits into a lizard. That story starts out in a comic book store where we also meet Hammond the owner of the store, Cornelius-the alter ego of Action Cat and others.

Action Cat & Monster Bug, Action Cat, Monster Bug, all age, lizard gun, super powers,

Toss in a female cat who has super powers that often gets confused with Action Cat, a little romantic tension between them, trickery and you’ve got a story that will hook young readers from the get go. This story is broken up by the second, Spot vs. Marquiad that introduces lots of new characters who are chasing a crystal that will grant super powers to the owner.

The crystal crashes on Earth where the powers are given to Meteor Mite, who is given the power of flight.  Unfortunately it also turns his friends, even his girlfriend, into large monsters.

Action Cat & Adventure Bug reminds us of the story telling pace and style of Captain Underpants.  The dialogue is direct, funny and manages to tell a possible complex story in a brilliantly short manner. Combined with the artwork young readers will know what’s going on in the story and laugh along to the super power, lizard gun, crystal crashing to Earth turning them into monster madness. This is an all age comic that parents will find themselves reading when the kids go to sleep.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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