Comics Squad Lunch!, Peanuts, Babymouse, Nathan Hale, book, comics,

Comics Squad Lunch is near perfect all age comic fun

When you go to your local comic book store visit the all age book section. Most likely it’s near the front of the store where they keep the all age graphic novels and chapter books. We saw Comics Squad: Lunch! on top of the counter and immediately fell in love with it. Eight different comic authors have created new stories with a common theme, in this case lunch. This book is the sequel to Comic Squad:  Recess and is as perfect an introduction to all age comics as you’ll find.

Comics Squad Lunch!, Peanuts, Babymouse, Nathan Hale, book, comics,

There is something for every reader in this book. People looking for characters that they immediately recognizable will see Snoopy on the cover and some folks will certainly know a couple of the artists’ names too. Cece Bell, who did the fabulous graphic novel El Deafo and Nathan Hale were the other two that I knew. Don’t worry about who you know or don’t know in Comics Squad: Lunch! because every story in this book is a winner.

This is a sampler book that will leave readers enjoying all of the stories and absolutely loving a couple of them. Additionally, some graphic novels will appeal to boys or girls more; the Comics Squad books appeal to everyone and has elements in each story that will attract There are eight stories and they all succeed on some level.

Comics Squad Lunch!, Peanuts, Babymouse, Nathan Hale, book, comics,

One of the better stories for us was Lunch Bomb 1943 by Nathan Hale. The story is absolutely about lunch; but its lunch onboard a squadron of U.S. destroyers in WWII that’s a chapter in history that you most likely haven’t heard.  Bottom line: it was lunch that saved  a destroyer, helped sink a submarine and possibly alter the course of the Pacific War. How Hale made this story into something entertaining, educational and entirely appropriate for all ages is impressive.

We’re also new fans of Babymouse from Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm. Their story called Lunch Table Champion has anthropomorphic animals in the lunch room and the challenges and chaos that follows it, which is usually physical education. This story actually brought back memories, it’s funny, accurate and something that kids 6 and up will immediately enjoy.

Comics Squad Lunch!, Peanuts, Babymouse, Nathan Hale, book, comics,

Another bonus about Comics Squad Lunch! is its price point, at only $7.99 these eight stories-and approximately 130 pages is one of the best comic values we’ve seen in a while for the enjoyment it brings. This is great reading that’ll be shared around the house and end up in every room, by every reader of any age.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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