The Conjuring 2, the conjuring, hodgson, evil, scary, ed and Loraine warren

The Conjuring 2 review, brilliant, well made scares from true tales

Rare is the sequel that surpasses the original. The Conjuring 2 is just that kind of unicorn though. Not only is it better in some ways than the original it does this while being part of the horror genre. Stop right there if the categorization of ‘horror’ puts you off from wanting to see The Conjuring 2 and consider how you might define horror.

The Conjuring 2, the conjuring, hodgson, evil, scary, ed and Loraine warren

My wife saw The Conjuring when it came out in 2013 and she loved it. However, when she saw some interviews that the Director, James Wan was doing, she heard him describe it as horror, and she decided that  this one might not be good for her. Her definition of horror is more closely aligned with gore, blood and potentially creative ways to cause mayhem to sexually curious camp dwellers.

Horror doesn’t have to be that way and The Conjuring is great evidence of that. The Conjuring 2 has more spectral thrills and outright ghost violence than the first one. That is not a bad thing, just different. It’s worth nothing that especially when you consider that The Conjuring was rated R based on terror and a sense of dread-and not for violence.

The Conjuring 2 picks up with Ed and Loraine investigating The Amityville house where she attracts a particularly viscous presence. That scene establishes the duo for those that missed the first film, don’t know their background and lays a bridge that they’ll connect up to later in the film. Meanwhile over in London the Hodgson family is having some troubles. Specifically a spirit has taken a liking to Janet Hodgson, the second oldest out of four children.

Janet sleepwalks and starts finding herself in the downstairs living room sitting in an old leather chair. Things come to a head one night and objects start to gently move around the house, prompting the police to investigate. From here things go downhill for the family but much more positive for the evil spirits.

Whereas The Conjuring did not show you as much evil or ghostly happenings, The Conjuring 2 has more visual, yet without being graphic or too bloody. The result of this is a scarier and also funnier film. Granted the humor is black and some of it from a-you’d be crazy to go there-oh no, she’s going there scene. Its pacing is different too because there is not a standard beginning, middle and climax of the film.

The Warren’s, played by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga have a distinct absence for a 1/3 of the film. That’s when the focus is on the Hodgson’s and getting the audience to know them so that the scares and story are more enjoyable.

The Conjuring 2 is great from any perspective. The direction and camera angles are unique when they need to be and the attention to detail shows up in every scene. It’s not a film for everyone as it is quite scary, but I wouldn’t classify it as a horror film, in the modern sense. This is classic scary, with a dose of modern graphic violence and genuine evil.  Anyway you cut it, this is not a film for the kids, but it is a well made film that fans of the cinema or good scares will appreciate.

Want to see The Conjuring 2 for free-as well as get some cool stuff? We’ve got a giveaway going on for that.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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