Gas Out Game, Gas Out, classic, game, fart, guster

Gas Out Game is a laugh good-time for ages 4-7

We were in the toy department and accidentally knocked Gas Out Game to the floor. It made an immediate ‘pfffft’ sound; the kids laughed out loud and proceeded to make their own farting noise while pointing to each other. I double timed it before they wanted to get the farting game. Fast forward a couple of weeks and we were provided with a copy of Gas Out Game. It’s a very simple game to play that ages 4 and up will enjoy playing.

Gas Out Game, Gas Out, classic, game, fart, guster

As a parent who wants their kids to laugh and have fun, the vast majority of Gas Out is great. It’s geared to children 5 and up, however, our 4 year old plays it and follows along with ease. Anywhere between two and six people can play and there is no learning curve in doing so. The game comes with a deck of cards that have a numbered card from 1-5, a skip card or a reverse card.

All players have to do is set Guster, the Gas Cloud ‘on’ and play. That’s important to point out because it has a ‘test’ setting lets you hear the farts and an ‘off’ setting. Each player is given a set number of cards and the youngest player goes first, pushing the gas cloud the number of times that’s indicated on their card. With each push, Guster builds up pressure until finally it makes a fart noise.

The goal is to not be the one who makes the game fart. This is also an appropriate metaphor for parties and being around children.

Gas Out Game, Gas Out, classic, game, fart, guster

As a game, Gas Out entertains the kids for about 20 minutes.  During that time you’ll play approximately four or five times. If there are fewer people in the game then you can play with more cards and have longer games to determine first, second, third place or so on.

The content of the game, i.e. the farting, might drive some parents bonkers. Our kids put the game in ‘test’ mode for a while when it first arrived. I simply let them get their sillies out and play with it accordingly, then set the rule that they can hear the sound when they are playing the game.  Sometimes they sneak into the game closet just to hear the fart, but for the most part they adhere to the rules of the game and don’t abuse Guster for its amazing sound effect.

Gas Out Game is not a classic, but kids 4-7 will have fun and easily be able to play it on their own with very little initial instructions. The quandary for parents is going to be, do they want their children having a game that makes a farting sound? Everybody farts and children, especially boys (and some men) think that it’s hilarious when it happens.  If you’re in that camp and have a small child then Gas Out Game is for you and your kids to play with farts in a non-odorous way.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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