Robin hood, robyn hoodlum, middle school book, kid lit, nott city, robyn hoodlum adventure, shadows of Sherwood.

Rebellion of Thieves, twists up Sherwood for a new audience

Rebellion of Thieves manages to do what many properties with classic origins fail to do. It’s a tricky balancing act, trying to infuse the lineage that generations of people know with a contemporary-or future tale that can stand on its own. Kekla Magoon, author of Rebellion of Thieves, a Robyn Hoodlum Adventure has created the unicorn of middle school books that will appeal almost equally to boys, as well as girls.

Robin hood, robyn hoodlum, middle school book, kid lit, nott city, robyn hoodlum adventure, shadows of Sherwood.

The subtle origin in the book is deftly hidden in its subtitle, A Robyn Hoodlum Adventure. It’s the second book in this series with the first one being Shadows of Sherwood. My Robin Hood knowledge isn’t too deep, I know he had a bow and arrow, was friendly to the poor and had a large sidekick named Big John. That last fact was either from Gunsmoke or the Robin Hood movie with Kevin Costner, I forget.

In a way, that’s what makes Rebellion of Thieves so refreshing. The aspects of the Sherwood Forrest and Robin Hood mythology are in the book, but it’s done in a respectful manner that doesn’t smack readers over the head. Instead, it’s done in a sly, blink and you miss it aspect that adds to the story for those that know, but doesn’t take away from it if you don’t.

Robyn is going all about Nott City to steal food, disrupt plans from the governor and further her rebellion. The area is having an Iron Teen contest where the teen that scores high will be invited to the governor’s mansion for dinner, as well as, possible long term brain washing and government black ops work.  This is important because Robyn needs to get inside the mansion to find her parents, who she just knows are in there somewhere.

Middle school kids and even some upper elementary age students will really enjoy this book. Each chapter is about 10 pages long and has a nice mix of action, plot set up, as well as a dash of acknowledging Robyn’s past quest and the future possibilities.

Rebellion of Thieves also manages the balance between boys and girls very well. The main character is a girl, but she is surrounded by a nice mix of her peers. Some boys may be reluctant to read the book because of that, but they shouldn’t because the takeaway from the book is its action and plot, not the fact that Robin Hood is now Robyn Hoodlum.

Robin hood, robyn hoodlum, middle school book, kid lit, nott city, robyn hoodlum adventure, shadows of Sherwood.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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