Star Wars, star wars the last jedi, BB-8, children, star wars fans

Star Wars: The Last Jedi, in-home party for happy Padawans

We were provided with product for this post. It’s a basic truth that kids love Star Wars. Our 6YO ‘likes’ Star Wars even though action based films sometimes scare him. Having said that, it’s a good kind of scare that exhilarates him more than provides bad dreams. He’s seen Star Wars: A New Hope, but he closed his eyes for parts of it, said to turn it off during many parts of the film; but then said that he loved it his family and all of his friends. For Star Wars fans, who enjoy action and science-fiction, with just a touch of Star Wars mythos, Star Wars: The Last Jedi will fit the bill?

When in doubt, have a party themed after the movie in question.  Now, to a 6 an 8 year old a party is relative. A party can be full on legitimate party, with lots of friends, games, presents and more. In our case for The Last Jedi party it was much more free range.

Star Wars, star wars the last jedi, BB-8, children, star wars fans

Our party included some cool Star Wars: The Last Jedi toys. These are simple toys, nothing extravagant, but just enough to send a 6YO boy over the edge with excitement. Is your child still in the ‘Lovey’ stage? That’s the stage where they ‘love’ on stuffed animals, talk to them, have them protect the bed when they go to elementary school and so forth. The Porg Plush is that and he brought new life to the rest of his lovies that live on his bed or travel with him to new overnight destinations.  Even to adults, the Porg Plush is incredibly soft and fun to snuggle with, but don’t tell certain 6YO kids who are possessive of their Porg.

Star Wars, star wars the last jedi, BB-8, children, star wars fans

The blanket fell into that category with our 8YO. He’s far too old for lovies, (according to him) but a cool Stormtrooper Star Wars Blanket is one that he’ll proudly take to the living room in front of his friends who are a couple of months older. It now comes with him for special snack times in front of the television, when he needs an emergency tent or erstwhile hobo backpack when things don’t go his way.

We started to watch the movie and opening sequence held their attention as I knew that it would. This is the classic science-fiction action that, for better or worse, harkens back to A New Hope. It’s family friendly action that kids 8 and up will absolutely love. Older Star Wars fans, I’m talking about you mom and dad, might have issues with the whole Rey and her parents subplot, as well as, some secondary characters that received too much or too little time.


The 8 or 9 YO in the room is not paying any attention to those conversations. They’re imagining that they’re the spy pilot, talking like BB-8 or pretending that their Big Wheel is now an X-Wing fighter.

Star Wars, star wars the last jedi, BB-8, children, star wars fans

That same age would also love the BB-8 lovies….er….BB-8 Plush Figure. It has remarkable detail in that its top half is able to move around. Both of our children flipped out when they realized that his head could spin, ‘just like a real robot’, said our 6YO.

We tossed in some snacks, Star Wars masks and the kids had a blast. I did make a tactical error in starting the movie too late, ooops. We had to stop it just before the halfway point so that the kids could get to sleep at a normal hour and not be all Kylo Ren the next day.  Have your own Star Wars: The Last Jedi party in any way that you want, just start it about two hours before the kids go to sleep.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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