Walmart, OFF!®, mosquitoes, mosquito, bug repellent, family fun

OFF!® Insect Repellents Makes Mosquitoes and Other Flying Pests Go!

This is a sponsored post by SC Johnson. All opinions are my own. Before I was an outdoor guy I was an outdoor kid. I remember always having a can of OFF!® Insect Repellent at the ready as our scout troop went out. I grew up in North Carolina, where the mosquitoes are pedestrian when compared to other parts of the country. As a family we’ve vacationed in northern Michigan where it’s an entirely different class of flying annoyances. Regardless of where you vacation, the battle to keep mosquitoes off, as well as, other small bugs at bay is as close as the sporting goods section at your local Walmart.

Walmart, OFF!®, mosquitoes, mosquito, bug repellent, family fun


Much like I’ve changed since I went camping as a kid, OFF!® Insect Repellents are available in options that cater to you and your situations. For example, our family sometimes vacations near Hilton Head, SC. If you haven’t been it’s a gorgeous island with its development in check, has no neon signs and is very family friendly. It also has several nature preserves in the region that offer a different beach experience if you want to be physically ACTIVE.

Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge is located just off Hilton Head and can be the best friend to a jogger or off-road cyclist-who also likes nature, playground. The parking lot is located beside the trail head and from there you’ve got 12 miles of grass, dirt or loose rock trails that’s spread out over 5,000 acres. The island also has three large ponds that plays host to thousands of birds, possible alligators and perhaps millions of mosquitoes, gnats, biting flies or other smaller, pesky flying insects.

Walmart, OFF!®, mosquitoes, mosquito, bug repellent, family fun

That’s where OFF!® Active® Insect Repellent come in to save the day by repelling the small flying things away that would otherwise wreck your ride. OFF!® Active® Insect Repellent is sweat resistant. That’s important when you’re 6 miles into a ride and trying to navigate terrain with frequent sand patches. The last thing you need to be doing is swatting mosquitoes on your arm while doing that. OFF!® Active® Insect Repellent also repels ticks and is specifically made to do all of that while sticking to your skin as your body sweats.

You shaven headed people know what I’m talking about. It’s the mildly painful bite, followed by itching that happens when a mosquito bites your head. Then it may or may not turn into a white head leading you to question if you should pop it or not, followed by muscle memory feeling of teenage confusion. With OFF!® ACTIVE® Insect Repellent my head is bite free.

As I write this I’m sitting by the pool and can see mosquitoes trying to land on me. They’re avoiding me like I’m a smelly warthog who hasn’t eaten in three days. And for the record, I did hike several miles this morning, but I don’t smell that bad.

Walmart, OFF!®, mosquitoes, mosquito, bug repellent, family fun

If your vacation is more forest-based then check out OFF!® DEEP WOODS® Sportsmen Insect Repellent IV. It goes on dry. Remember when you were a kid and it used to spray on wet, running down your arms to where you’d have to spread it around? This sprays on, but dries almost immediately, barely leaving a wet appearance.

White rabbits, the mythical campfire smoke that seems to always follow you until you say, “I hate white rabbits” still exists. There’s no cure for that other than a large, portable fan that you take camping. Mosquitoes and other flying pests don’t need to get in the way of your outdoor family fun. Those critters didn’t get in the way of our recent trip, nor should they on your trip, wherever it is.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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