Brussels Sprouts, smelly shoes, parenting and school starting

We were provided with payment or product for this post. All thoughts are our own. At their core and for better or worse, children are the 100% honest, pint sized versions of us. Everything-and I mean everything strange that our kids do I know that I did at one point myself. This includes the manner in which they think those thoughts; and how they manifest themselves into the sometimes very un-PC statements that come out of their adorable heads that are impossible to distance yourself from.

We keep a book of all the impossibly wacky things that our boys say. I highly advise any parent with children to start this if they haven’t already. Whenever one of ours says something that merits a double take from my wife or I we’ll simply scribble it into the book. If you’re an expecting parent get in the habit of doing this because it’ll pay off handsomely in the future.

The scene. It’s a cold winter afternoon and I’ve just started a fire. I begin to take off the layers of winter clothing and finally take of my boots. The 3 year-old on the floor sauntered over and said.

“Daddy your shoes smell, put them in the fire”.

That was one of the first record worthy statements that either or our boys have said. For the record I did not put them in the fire. They didn’t smell that bad and we always need a quality pair of winter boots. Needs. When it snows, you need winter boots. With school in session kids also need underwear. To that end, Fruit of the Loom’s Bonus Packs are a need this school year. Your youngest might need an ‘extra’ pair at school, their sibling might hide some of their brother’s, the oldest might hit a growth spurt overnight or suddenly realize that they no longer like Angry Birds on their underwear. They’ll be needed this year, just go ahead a pick up a Fruit of the Loom Bonus Pack with a whopping 10 pairs of underwear and you won’t have to deal with kids asking you to put them in the fire.

The scene. I had just cooked a healthy dinner consisting of rice, chicken, mixed vegetables and Brussels Sprouts. I sat the 2 year-old in the booster seat and the 4 year-old quite hungrily ambled over to the table.

“Me no like the little lettuce”

I understood what he was referring to, but his comments were way off base. The Brussels Sprouts that I make are boiled, then coated with Olive Oil, put in the oven for 20 minutes with feta cheese, bacon crumbles and a pinch of salt. How could he not like that?

Be prepared. Have a bag full of fish sticks in the freezer for such emergencies. Also have lots of underwear for the kids because we both know that they’ll need it in the coming year.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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