Marvel, Marvel Universe Live, marvel universe, the avengers, avengers, Infinite Energy Arena

Win a family 4-pack of tickets to Marvel Universe LIVE! at Infinite Energy Arena

Marvel fans of any age get ready to assemble to see a live, in-person show of The Avengers, The Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. Where The Avengers go, Loki isn’t far behind and this time he’s the heel as he’s in search of the Wand of Watoomb. Joining Loki on the villain side are Green Goblin, Yondu and more as they battle it out in a stunt spectacular that our kids have been pining to see for the past two years. Marvel Universe LIVE! is appearing at State Farm Arena February 17-18 and at Infinite Energy Arena from February 23-24.

This year, Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Drax and Groot make their debut to Marvel Universe LIVE! From the get-go of their most recent comic book incarnation Guardians of the Galaxy have captivated us. They’re irreverent, but still family friendly, and add a nice (and needed) imperfect, rag tag exclamation to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

To register to win a family 4-pack of passes to the show on 2/23 at Infinite Energy Arena just leave a comment in the post or RT this:

Marvel Universe LIVE! is full on adrenaline with martial arts, motorcycle stunts, 3D video projections, special effects, aerial maneuvers and explosions to make it a family friendly, night out that kids will be OK with-and want to witness. Tickets for this extravaganza start at only $25-and for a two-hour show that is something young kids will remember for a number of years that’s a bargain.

Our 9-year-old hasn’t warmed up to much of the Marvel films yet, mainly because he thinks they’ll be scary. His 7-year-old brother is chomping at the bit to see them. They’ve both seen Ant-Man and the Wasp and loved it. This has baited their hook for all things Marvel and Marvel Universe LIVE! is the next stop on this train.

We’re giving away a family 4-pack of tickets to Marvel Universe LIVE! when it stops in Duluth at Infinite Energy Arena on February 23. This is great, family friendly fun-good luck! To register, just leave a comment below or RT this.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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