Avengers, avengers endgame, avengers: endgame, is avengers endgame OK for children, MCU movie,

Avengers: Endgame sticks the landing

Go ahead and watch the trailers for Avengers: Endgame, they won’t give anything major away. It’s amazing for a huge movie to be so self-aware of itself, as well as, the movie genres that its overtly borrowing from. The minor characters or those not even in Avengers: Infinity War, rise up and establish huge sequences that are highly entertaining and actually answer questions. Avengers: Endgame acknowledges every aspect of the characters emotions in their previous MCU film’s and succeeds in the most Meta way possible.

Avengers, avengers endgame, avengers: endgame, is avengers endgame OK for children, MCU movie,

Ant-Man is a major reason for this. It’s no spoiler to say that he’s in the film as he produces some of the biggest laughs from the trailer of him ringing the bell at the Avenger’s front gate. It’s Paul Rudd’s wry jokes, quick timing and fish out of water facial expressions that really assist things.

Avengers, avengers endgame, avengers: endgame, is avengers endgame OK for children, MCU movie,

The pacing of Avengers: Endgame is amazing and not for the reasons you might think. It’s brilliantly paced, but it throws the entire formula and how MCU films are done on their head. Battle, loss, battle, loss, humor and then victory, take those ingredients, shake well and you’ve got a loose description of some average superhero films.

Time travel factors into Avengers: Endgame, but again, it’s not as obvious as you think. This is where Ant-Man and many other Avengers go Meta, full on Meta where they mock time travel films as being ridiculous. They do this at the same time while they’re making a film, about time travel that is possibly the best way that time travel has been dealt with in film.

In Avengers: Infinity War left you feeling betrayed and bummed out, I feel you. Avengers: Endgame more than makes up for any ill feelings that it caused. I see why they played it the way they did, and doing so any other way would’ve cheapened the film, watered down the MCU and made it all disposable. It is also worth noting that the film balance lots of humor with the drama, all the while putting it in a nice bow with stones.

What we’re left with is a 10 year opus that spans more arcs than Lord of the Rings and encapsulates it all in a perfect manner. Granted, they will still make many MCU films, this is not their swan song. However, there is a victory lap feeling about Avengers: Endgame. It respects the fans, adds to the dramatic elements, answers questions that fans have wondered about and plants a couple new seeds to grow on.

If Avengers: Infinity War left you feeling betrayed and bummed out, I feel you. Avengers: Endgame more than makes up for any ill feelings that it caused. I see why they played it the way they did, and doing so any other way would’ve cheapened the film, watered down the MCU and made it all disposable. It is also worth noting that the film balance lots of humor with the drama, all the while putting it in a nice bow with stones.

What we’re left with is a 10 year opus that spans more arcs than Lord of the Rings and encapsulates it all in a perfect manner. Granted, they will still make many MCU films, this is not their swan song. However, there is a victory lap feeling about Avengers: Endgame. It respects the fans, adds to the dramatic elements, answers questions that fans have wondered about and plants a couple new seeds to grow on.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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