Shazam, shazam!, DC comics, movie review, DCEU

Shazam! is super-fun and great entertainment for 9 and up

Movies from DC Comics and Stephen King need to go bowling or form a support group. People will talk about them, see them in theaters but might add the caveat ‘for a DC Comic movie’ or ‘for a Stephen King film’ when describing them in a positive light. Shazam! is a very entertaining film and is just the sort of superhero film that upper middle school ages and up will love. We saw it with a pair of highly excitable 9 year-old boys who couldn’t get enough of the humor, charm and humility of it all.

Movies based in the DCEU have been frustratingly inconsistent. They are on a roll lately. If you count Teen Titans GO! To The Movies, that makes the most recent three films that have been exceeded their box office multiple times over, as well as, a favorable critical response. Given the huge cannon of superheroes and stories that DC is able to produce, it’s likely that with Shazam! they can finally shake that suffix adjective of ‘for a DC Comic movie’.

Shazam! is rated PG-13 and firmly sits in the middle of that rating. The violence wasn’t too much for kids of the age we went with, nor was the language. There were a couple choice 4-letter words, but it’s nothing that they haven’t heard in school and our two audience members knew not to repeat them. The violence was a little more than I expected, specifically, a monster sticking a human into his mouth and then (presumably) biting his head off. Again, this is common for PG-13 films like Jurassic (insert sequel here), but it caught our kids off guard. After the film one of them said, “aw, it’s OK, DC has better villains so  that just set things  up”.

The greatness of Shazam! also lays in its trailer. The trailer sets up the film, but gives absolutely nothing away. The similarities beween Shazham! and Superman are too many to name. The unknown variables of Shazam! are huge too. The film bridges both of these by setting up the mythos, as well as, letting audiences know that it too is aware of the superhero tropes.

The kids in the film are completely relatable and ones that kids in third grade and up will understand. Ours were laughing out loud and actively cheering on our hero as the film went along. The story in the film is also one that they will easily be able to follow. There are friends like they have, be them good, bad or the bullies.

Shazam! was enjoyable up until the very last frame. It has surprises aplenty and keeps them very close to the chest so that even the most ardent DC fan will see them coming. Middle school and up see this movie without question. Elementary school and up use caution for the language and some action, but ages 9 and up should be OK.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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