Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars is the third entry in this fabulous series of original graphic novels that elementary aged readers will want to read.

Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars delivers the elementary reader goods

If you’re one of those elementary school parents who yearn for an original graphic novel that will appeal to your children Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars is for you. Also, if you’re one of those elementary school students who want a think, entertaining graphic novel that perfectly captures life as you know it, check out Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars. This book is proof that you don’t need potty humor to engage the reading bug in those students who between 6 and 9.

Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars is the third entry in this fabulous series of original graphic novels that elementary aged readers will want to read.

Lucky Stars is the third graphic novel in this series by Eisner Award-Winning author, Aron Nels Steinke. Steinke is a fourth and fifth grade teacher and that fact really shines through in this series. There’s a huge shift in how kids will react to, or do things between

The lead from a mechanical pencil is annoyingly and in a slow, deliberate fashion pushed out of its container. One. Click. At. A. Time. This is next-level annoyance (or being cute in the eyes of an elementary school student) that only a kid or those that work closely with them can repeat. There is also the accidental (or on purpose) wiping of a kid’s hands on an adult’s shirt, just after they went to the bathroom. 

Any aged elementary school student will enjoy Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars. This is good, happy fun that tells a story. Lucky Stars and the other books in the Mr. Wolf’s Class series, give their characters time to breathe in the story. In Lucky Stars, Sampson, a student in class has a bike accident. The accident is played out in a way that kids and adults will understand.

There’s a destination in town called Chicken Hill and it’s shaped just like you’d imagine. It’s impossibly long and the sort of nightmare (or bragging) fuel for elementary school lore.  Just after the accident readers see three pages of 2 X 3 black squares. This is an excellent way for young readers to realize that Sampson has been unconscious for a while.

That is the main story arc that happens in Lucky Stars. A young girl is giving snacks to the school rats and the ongoing disagreement between two kids on the playground is the other. In the end all three stories combine, each one allowing elementary school kids to visually realize that their school is just like the one in the book. It offers those young ages a chance to learn by example; whether or not they take it is up to them. This is fabulous series of original graphic novels that elementary school students and libraries will really enjoy.   

There are affiliate links in this post….because this is a really cool book and I need to buy some coffee.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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