Astro Kittens is the board book series featuring the go-to art and education by Dominic Walliman and Ben Newman, this time for even younger kids.

Astro Cat goes board book in Cosmic Machines and Into The Unknown

The Astro Cat series is brilliant. They present high concept STEM ideas into graphically pleasing books that make you want to learn. Dr. Dominic Walliman provides the science and Ben Newman presents the illustrations that make the content effortless to look at. Walliman’s text breaks down the complex ideas that could potentially spin our heads and presents it in a manner that’s appropriate for children. Astro Kittens is the board book series from this duo. Cosmic Machines and Into The Unknown take the same concept in Astro Cats and package it  in a way that crawlers can consume.

Astro Kittens is the board book series featuring the go-to art and education by Dominic Walliman and Ben Newman, this time for even younger kids.

Of course, that’s the way that some crawlers enjoy books, they chew on them, literally. That’s why board books are so great for that age, they’re printed on thick cardboard pages. Most board books have simple things like numbers and letters, but we all know that babies are much smarter than that, don’t we?

Astro Kittens Into The Unknown looks at the things that are in space. Wormholes, what living arrangements might look like, light speed, the long sleep that we’d take getting out there and more are covered in the book. They’re done at a macro level so that adults can read it to small children. The content is timeless and the illustrations drawn kids in so that they can’t help but learn.

Cosmic Machines takes the Astro Kittens and looks at the hardware that makes exploration possible, The Hubble Space Telescope, probes, satellites, International Space Station and the power needed to lift off are just a few things spoken about in this book. For the record, Newton’s second law of motion is in the book too, just in case any young rocket engineers want to double check their calculations.

I absolutely love this book series. They’re fun to look at regardless of your age, even though they’re intended for those who are well below my age. The packaging says that they’re great for those kids three and under. The content says that many adults probably don’t know most of the content in them, but that’s OK.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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