Why We Love Star Wars, Chicken Soup for the Jedi soul

Why We Love Star Wars, Chicken Soup for the Jedi soul

The fans. The fans have spoken. The fans approve or don’t approve, fandom is the backbone to many book or movie franchises and their future. Star Wars has certainly seen its share of movement. Some of its films weren’t received well, it was bought by Disney and then some of its films weren’t received well. The Star Wars fandom has its camps of die hard supporters and detractors. Ken Napzok is one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on Star Wars and has written Why We Love Star Wars, The Great Moments That Built A Galaxy Far, Far Away.

I’m a casual Star Wars fan. I’ve seen all of the movies, but only know the main characters. Why We Love Star Wars is an impressively researched book that offers up characteristics from the players or scenes that they were involved in and does any number of things to them.

Sometimes it’s just a character background as to why that Tallie Lintra was and what drove her. I had forgotten that she was Rose’s sister, but the book reminds casual fans of that. Even if you don’t know either character you can draw parallels to your life. She was bright and impressive. I am bright and impressive. Yes, yes you are, but it’s a safe bet that you’re not going to die in an A-Wing fighter.

Each overview is short, just 2-4 pages, which allows readers to move on quickly if they’re totally in the dark as to what it’s trying to impart upon you.

Some chapters are more in line with Why We Love Star Wars, a la, Chicken Soup for the Jedi Soul. It figures out a way to sympathetically make me feel that I was too harsh in my disdain for Jar Jar Binks. It looks at the friendships between second-level characters and equates them to situations that you or I go through each day.

To our basic knowledge, there isn’t a Star Wars property that Why We Love Star Wars doesn’t touch upon at least once. It counts down 100 takeaways from the franchise that are surprisingly appropriate for non-Star Wars fans, although it certainly helps if you have padawn abilities. The books treat the source material with respect and can make anyone believe in the Force if they just give it a chance.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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