You Matter is as aptly named book, in a time that it’s really needed. It’s a great, good-night book that’ll appeal to kids aged three and up.

You Matter, aptly named and needed anytime

With the exception of holiday books, authors probably can’t assign when their books come out. Keep in mind I have very little idea exactly how the publishing industry works in regards to its relationship with their creators. I doubt that’s it’s some literary cabal that intentionally pulls the strings of interest for readers around the globe. Prove me wrong; show me the secret handshake or the watermark that’s discretely placed in every book. Realizing that is not the case, it’s all the more amazing that You Matter by author/artist Christian Robinson has been released now. It’s a timeless book that would feel at home if it were released in 1968, 1984, 2002 or 2011, but is all the more relevant now.

Robinson is a creator whose work is very distinctive. Most of his books are aimed at pre-K through early elementary aged readers. His art style is reminiscent of Eric Carle due to the fact that some of it is blocky, full of texture and has the ability to combine minute images that add up to something much larger.

You Matter is as simple as its title to young readers in that you matter. You, the kid down the street who’s having a bad day. You, the insect who is biting the dinosaur that’s just evolved from the lizard who is living on a planet that’s about the get struck by an asteroid. You matter.

Given the hyper-politicized environment of today, some parents might be thinking that You Matter is simply directed at one segment of the population. This is where the book does the magic that any great children’s book does, in that it’s about you. You, could be the person reading it during quiet time at school. You, could be the kid who has the book in their home library. You Matter morphs into a feel-good book that any kid (or older reader) will empathize with.

It also manages to be about feelings, without being too emotional. It acknowledges the setbacks, differences, growing pains, frustrations and curve balls that life will have in your way. But is also gives children a wink and a nod as it says that, stop me if you’ve heard this before, but You Matter.

This is a great good-night book for those kids who are between three and five. You Matter isn’t designed as a sight word book. The text is presented in simple sentences with art work that compels anyone who is turning the pages to keep moving-or to stop and point out the details. You could read the words easily, but then you could also count the ants, name the planets, call out the colors or more. It’s a good-night book that you’ll easily be able to read more than once in a sitting or take your time and really chat about the background.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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