Week #3 of Camp Warner Bros. has We Bare Bears: The Movie and a Gummy Bear Slime to accompany the stacking fun.

Camp Warner Bros., We Bare Bears gummy fun for summer camp

This week at Camp Warner Bros. is near and dear to our family because it revolves around one of our favorite Cartoon Network shows We Bare Bears. In this case the craft is a surprisingly sticky slime that’s simple to make, which is paired with We Bare Bears: The Movie. If you’re a fan of We Bare Bears then the movie is a must-watch event. Even if you’re a casual fan of the show then you’ll enjoy the film for all of the right reasons.

The We Bare Bears Gummy Bear Slime is what will draw in those crafty kids who may not know about the genius of the show. The craft will need adult supervision because you’re dealing with a microwave, but the ingredients are most likely already in your house. All you’ll need is a package of gummy bears, some powdered sugar, cornstarch, a spoon, microwave and two microwave safe bowls. The craft only took us 10 minutes to complete and that’s because we let our children do the measuring….and occasional snacking of the gummies.

Week #3 of Camp Warner Bros. has We Bare Bears: The Movie and a Gummy Bear Slime to accompany the stacking fun.

Hint: initially our Gummy Bear Slime was far too sticky. Literally, it was secret agent sticky and was challenging to pull our hands apart. To solve this issue all you need to do is add some of the cornstarch and powdered sugar mixture. Once you do that you’ll have gummy themed slime that you can snack on while watching Grizz, Ice Bear and Panda get into-and out of their final adventure.

I hope it’s this is just their final adventure for now because this show is one that our family has been watching for years. Granted there is a spin off coming that will concentrate on the baby bears, which we’ll still watch, but the grown up bears will always have a place in our viewing queue.

As a film, We Bare Bears: The Movie is a great conclusion to the story that Grizz, Ice Bear and Panda have to tell. All of the recurring characters that you loved in the series are here and it’s the one that is not obvious that receives the most screen time. I was a little bummed out about that, but still loved the film. There are a couple laugh out loud moments, countless instances where you’ll grin, a couple great songs and lots of movie or pop culture references for the older viewers.

We Bare Bears: The Movie is available to stream now. It’s appropriate for ages 8 and up.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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