This week in Camp Warner Bros. we see Scooby-Doo!: WrestleMania Mystery and make a really enjoyable Scooby Snack.

Camp Warner Bros. Week 4 has classic Scooby Gang meeting the WWE

Our kids love Scooby Doo. The oldest has been collecting the comic books since 2014. The youngest has gravitated more towards the screen incarnation of those meddling kids. As a matter of fact, just the other day we were out doing errands and our oldest shouted “look, there’s the Mystery Mobile”. It wasn’t an officially licensed vehicle or anything, just an old van that was painted to resemble their vehicle. All of this coincides nicely with this week’s Camp Warner Bros has Scooby-Doo!: WrestleMania Mystery! is the movie. Nothing Scooby Doo is complete without a Scooby Snack and this snack is utterly fabulous. Our kids loved eating it, helped make and even passed the health litmus test of our family’s snack police.

Scooby-Doo!: WrestleMania Mystery! is very entertaining. From 2014 this direct-to-video film is better than some of the theatrical films that you’d see in cinema. It’s the classic feel of Scooby-Doo that seems to accompany the characters much better. There’s no CGI tomfoolery, it’s meddling kids and some pratfall humor, mixed in with lots of WWE superstars.

The Scooby Snack was very simple to make and was one that our kids could do on their own with just a tiny bit of supervision. For us, the supervision was just watching them use the cook timer on the microwave. That way, we could be certain that the peanut butter, butter and chocolate chip mixture wasn’t cooked for too long. After that, it was a matter of mixing it with the cereal, tossing it into a bag and adding the powdered sugar.

For best results and to tamp down the stickiness of the snack we put ours in the refrigerator. As soon as it cooled down the Scooby Snack was ready to eat and promptly ended up in my belly. The kids had some too. We liked the snack because it didn’t have crazy amounts of sugar. Granted it had some that was part of the chocolate chips, but the amount wasn’t overkill.

In our case the snack was halfway eaten before we got down to seeing the movie. That’s fine because the boys have put us on notice that they’d like this Scooby Snack to be in their regular rotation for a while to come.

In the meantime, if you’re down with some Scooby coloring, you can download this page.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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