Rot, The Bravest in the World! is a story about never underestimating yourself, albeit with a mutant potato, his brother and a monster.

Rot, The Bravest in the World! slays the second book curse

We love Rot. Rot, The Cutest in the World is a charming illustrated book about a mutant potato in a land of otherwise charming vegetables that are the cream of the vegetable. Rot is not. However, his attitude is positive; he’s helpful towards everyone and is more of a friend than those other edibles. Another thing that Rot was not, is a series, however, now with Rot, The Bravest in the World it’s got a shot. With two books out starring Rot, it’s a series and the second spud proves to be worth the wait.

I know that three years isn’t that long, but in the world of sequels or books in a series it can seem like forever. Author/illustrator Ben Clanton took his time in releasing this second carbohydrate story and that’s a great thing. Rot is lovable, but he needs to have a somewhat horrible façade, relative to the way that some in the world might see him.

To that end, Rot, The Bravest in the World! brings in more mutant potatoes.  It’s like seeing a group of Wookies for the first time. You knew that there probably wasn’t only one and when you see many of them you’re mentally picking out the characteristics between them all. In this book we meet Snot, who is Rot’s older brother.

On this day Rot is happy as a mutant potato in a field full of mud, which apparently makes them very happy. He’s about to jump into it when his older brother warns him about a slippery, slimy monster who lives in the mud. This creature is always hungry and it sure is a good thing that Snot stopped his younger brother from going in there.

Snot is slightly bigger, has a greener complexion, four wily hairs and is obvious adept at teasing siblings. Much like the first book, Rot tries out a couple things to get over what he thinks his fear is. It’s Rot’s interpretation of Snot’s mean-spirited critique that gives him the confidence that he can accomplish the thing that is made to be challenging.

Rot makes lots of puns along the way, initially settling on dressing up like a superhero with a pot on his head, cape and broom stick that’s standing in for a sword. In the mirror though, he looks like a knight. Armed with the confidence he needs to enter the mud pit what will he find?

Rot, The Bravest in the World! is a fabulous picture book because it instills confidence without putting anyone or anything down. Even when Snot is proven to have made it all up and Rot pulls a prank on him the siblings hug it out, albeit in a muddy, playful way. It manages to teach a lesson in the softest of ways possible, through reality and humor.

Older siblings might be jerky at times. However, they can also be kind and loving. With this book we discover that Rot had more spuds in the can and is able to teach and tell many more stories than were first unearthed.  Rot, The Bravest in the World is from Ben Clanton and ages four through nine will enjoy it.

There are affiliate links in this post because, potatoes has “es” in its plural form.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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