A Book About Mom and A Book About Dad are interactive, keepsake books that capture how kids see their world at a certain age.

A Book About Dad (and Mom) is keepsake gold from a child’s certain age

Keepsake is a loaded word. On one hand, it reminds us of some cool Christmas ornaments, that we love, put in those specialized boxes every year, and still purchase more of every season. To some people, that word is simply used by companies to imply that the product is worthy of being celebrated in a family for years or generations. For example, I learned that my Star Wars shirt from 1977 is not a keepsake that my children would like to wear. A Book About Dad or A Book About Mom, With Words and Pictures By Me with illustrations by Irena Freitas, is a keepsake book for all the right reasons.

It’s low-hanging gift fruit for moms or dads, especially around Mother’s or Father’s Day. That aspect might make some wary gift-givers cast a cynical eye. I’m that way with Christmas music. Any yeehaw could record a song with Navidad, Christmas, or something espousing that season and seemingly have it played on the radio. It’s those classic Christmas songs that you don’t mind hearing outside of the season, like Underneath the Christmas Tree by Kelly Clarkson or Finally It’s Christmas by Hanson, that transcends the season. Likewise, these books are great any time of year, not just around those days that pay homage to moms and dads.

Both of these books are as great as the person who is filling them out, relative to their age. That person is probably between the ages of five and 12, very eager to doodle and creative about their parent. However, the younger the child, the more assistance that they’ll need in filling the book out because A Book About Mom (and dad) are blank books. There are prompts on the pages favorite things, hobbies, what if we had a million dollars, designing a dream house, grading the parent on their work, and other topics.

If the child is younger their drawings will be more stick figure in nature. While that’s still cute, the full effect, and how great these books can be won’t be revealed. As a parent, and as one who has received a couple of books like these filled out, the key age that can make the most out of A Book About Dad With Words And Pictures By Me will be those eight through 11-year-old kids. Those ages will be able to express more opinions and flush out drawings to a degree that will better stand the test of time. Their drawings will be silly, wacky, creative, and completely out there. If the kids are too old, the way that some 12-year-olds might be, then their content would be more realistic, which could be the way that you want the book to tilt towards.

Actually, that’s an idea. These books are great for those expressive older elementary or younger middle school kids. It’ll be a keepsake for those parents who want to capture the last of their kid years. Personally, we’ve used activities like these when our kids were younger. When you use them for those younger kids you’ll capture the more insane, illogical, and utterly out there responses. Again, helping them capture or write down those responses takes more time, that’s just the way that we did it. Either way you approach it, if you’re looking for a unique gift that will stand the test of time A Book About Mom or A Book About Dad will certainly do the trick. It will depend on the age of your child as to if they need a bit of coaching to make the most out of the book.

A Book About Mom and A Book About Dad (With Words And Pictures By Me) are illustrated by Irena Freitas and on Workman Publishing.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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