School Is Cool! is a Hello!Lucky book from the Moyle sister that revels in its happiness and invites readers to enjoy it too.

School Is Cool!, a Hello!Lucky joint on school for the very new

Hello! Lucky, you get me. That’s what kids who are in pre-K through middle-elementary school say to themselves as they’re reading some of their books. Sabrina and Eunice Moyle have an energy and style to their brand of Hello! Lucky books that unmistakably speaks; and sometimes yells to ages four through nine. Through their neon colors and happy, yet not too juvenile rhymes their books bring up younger readers without making older readers feel as if they’re engaging in a baby book. School Is Cool! takes that same spirit and applies it to going back to or headed out on the big yellow monster for their first time.

School Is Cool! is a Hello!Lucky book from the Moyle sister that revels in its happiness and invites readers to enjoy it too.

Granted, those second graders who read the book will roll their eyes and try to be cool whilst saying “sure it is”. Those ages will be the older end of who will enjoy School Is Cool. However, even those kids will become trapped in the book’s hypnotic blend of colors and manic happiness. Ideally, this is an illustrated book that pre-K through first grade will read, dig into the stanzas and start to circle the drain of the book’s colors and characters.

School Is Cool! Starts out with the platypus, dog, and pig at the beach relaxing when they’re suddenly reminded about the fact that school starts tomorrow. They all become worried about how they look if kids will laugh at their hair, the sound of their voice, or any random or vain thing. We see a menagerie of animals on the bus, as the three get to school one way or the other.

School Is Cool! is a Hello!Lucky book from the Moyle sister that revels in its happiness and invites readers to enjoy it too.

Once at school the animals learn that it’s OK to be a little scared, they see the classroom, their supplies, the playground, and more. The animals also learn that it’s OK to make mistakes when they give an incorrect answer.

Almost every page has two lines of dialogue that rhyme. The color and vibrant contrasts are everywhere and seem to get brighter the more pages that you read. As with the other Hello!Lucky books we’ve read it’s as much an illustrated book as it is a great gift. It’s actually quite masterful as to how the Moyle sisters manage to make a book so ‘giftable’ to wide audiences. This is an illustrated book that you want to give to people, and possibly keep a copy for yourself.

School Is Cool! is a Hello!Lucky book from the Moyle sister that revels in its happiness and invites readers to enjoy it too.

In this case, School Is Cool!, is obviously a great gift for kids aged four through seven. One could easily see a child who is about to go into pre-K or Kindergarten reading the book, with some assistance and imagining the fun that they’ll have once they’re at school. Those kids that are slightly older will enjoy the book for its vivid colors and manic energy.

School Is Cool, A Hello!Lucky book is by Sabrina Moyle with illustrations by Eunice Moyle and available on Abrams Appleseed, an imprint of Abrams Books.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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