Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is an interactive, fold-out creation that will really engage those crawlers through first-grade.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? proves that board books can think out of the box

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is a very intelligent and unique board book that uses every square inch of its pages to entertain crawlers through first grade. If it’s been a while since you read a board book or you’re new to them then that sentence might seem odd. It’s a cardboard book with thick pages whose audience might be crawling or somewhere in first grade. How could a book like that be smart and make kids curious about its content? As we’ve covered before, board books, the same ones geared towards that crowd can talk about complex things like quantum physics. Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is a board book that flexes its graphic design muscle and infuses it with a grinning sense of humor.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is an interactive, fold-out creation that will really engage those crawlers through first-grade.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is a fold-out board book that’s very long in the best sense of the word. As you open the book the see the happy snout of a dachshund who is inside the house. Readers are asked if they’ve seen Brian’s bottom and as their eyes continue left to right over the page they’ll see his really long body snake its way through the house. The parrot doesn’t see it in the hallway, Alan the hamster doesn’t see it in the living room, Dave the turtle doesn’t see it in the kitchen and Derek the duck can’t see in the bathroom.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is an interactive, fold-out creation that will really engage those crawlers through first-grade.

It’s not until Cheryl the cat, who is still in bed naturally, angrily says that Brian’s bottom is still in bed and it interfering with her nap. The curveball to Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is that the book folds out to just under 7’.  Readers don’t have to fold the book out all the way. If space is limited then the book is perfectly serviceable if you turn the pages the way that almost every other book in your library opens. However, when you do that you’ll see that the pages pop up, just a little bit as if they’re goading you to find a bigger area to explore the book.

A board book is nothing unless it’s well constructed and Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is very durable. The edge of the fold-out pages that are glued to the back cover is very strong. The edges of the pages that actually fold out are also strong and the spine of the book offers lots of play, while still maintaining the thickness that’s needed for a board book.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is an interactive, fold-out creation that will really engage those crawlers through first-grade.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? makes the most of every single inch on its pages. The text is printed on the front side of the pages as the animals go through the rooms looking for his bottom. After reading the book a couple of times I turned the book’s pages over, just to see what was there, and was pleasantly surprised to see the nighttime journey of the dog’s bottom. Much like the daytime, except in reverse now because it’s night now, Brian’s head is in bed, beside the cat naturally, while his bottom is in the foyer.

As young audiences follow the night scene they’ll see most of the animals asleep, except for the ducks playing in the bathtub, the gerbil eating carrots, and the mice who are raiding the refrigerator. There isn’t any text on these pages. This is simply an opportunity for three-year-old kids and up to use their fingers to follow the dog, laugh at the mice, and more as the seeds for enjoying books are planted by Brian’s bottom.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is an interactive, fold-out creation that will really engage those crawlers through first-grade.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? is as silly and entertaining as board books come. Author/illustrator Rob Jones has created an immersive book with multiple dimensions for kids to explore. Kids will find it hilarious, adult readers will easily have fun too and it’s one of those books that will be recommended to other kids because it’s just simply one of those books.

Where’s Brian’s Bottom? Is by Rob Jones and available on Pavilion Books.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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