The 35th Anniversary of JapanFest Atlanta is September 17-18 at Gas South Convention Center, it’s family friendly fun with great food, music and arts.

The 35th Anniversary of JapanFest Atlanta is September 17-18

Readers of the site may know that I lived in Japan for a few years. Thus, it would stand to reason that we really enjoy going to JapanFest each year. It’s being held September 17 and 18 at Gas South Convention Center in Duluth, Georgia. We were thinking the other day about people who don’t have an affinity for Japanese culture. Why would they want to come to JapanFest? What could they possibly get out of it?

The 35th Anniversary of JapanFest Atlanta is September 17-18 at Gas South Convention Center, it’s family friendly fun with great food, music and arts.

The first thing to mention for those folks who may not dig Japanese culture and why they should attend JapanFest is the food. It’s just convention food you think to yourself, but that line of logic is oh-so-wrong. Historically, when I’ve been at JapanFest, the food vendors have served up the best Japanese food that I’ve had since leaving the country. This includes being one of the few places I’ve ever found that has okonomiyaki, a magical dish that involves cabbage and seafood. There are eight different food vendors at JapanFest this year, one of them is sure to have that dish, with ramen, tofu and lots of delicious things that are destined to be one of your favorites. Save room for snacks because just outside of this area are the snack vendors. I never liked mochi, but I’m told that the mocha there is top-notch and akin to roaming the streets of Fukuoka.

Have you been to EPCOT at Walt Disney World? If so, you might have marveled at Masturiza who performs at the Japanese Pavilion. They’re a Taiko drum troupe that seems to make the Earth shake when they perform. These are those massive drums that a group of performers hit at the same time. The effect will thunder in your chest and amp up your adrenaline. Masturiza doesn’t venture out of EPCOT often, so take advantage of this to see them perform live.

There are anime cons in lots of places and there’s a very large anime wing to JapanFest. If you’re looking for that oversized poster from your favorite K-POP band, anime promotional poster, or things that will make your anime friends jealous, this is the place to get it.

My wife’s favorite place is always the main vendor’s area. For the past couple of years, she’s gotten some very unique gifts for a family member there. One time it was a string of hand-made tea lights for an indoor garden, and other times it’s been clothing. Much like the anime vendors, if you’re looking for an authentic gift from Japan that’s creative, this is the place to get it.

There are also tractors that the kids can climb on, extravagant toilets that will make your bottom envious, sake that’s the best outside of the Pacific and so much more. Whether you come for the food and stay for the culture or vice versa, JapanFest has hours of entertainment for the entire family. JapanFest Atlanta is September 17 and 18 at Gas South Convention Center. You should purchase tickets online and in advance as this will help save you time.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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