Fashionistas in the suburbs

One of the unintended advantages of being a stay at home dad is not having to wear nice clothes in the daytime.   The only folks that I’ll see are other moms, dads and retail workers.  Sure you have to run errands stop by the library for story time and go on the occasional side trip, but that’s it.   As long as I don’t’ wear clothing that’s ripped or has paint stains I’m all good. 

Full disclosure:  I’m no fashion plate.  Most of my clothing has a retro feel, mainly because it consists of large collared shirts from the 70s, Continue reading Fashionistas in the suburbs

Baby Mojo’s first haircut

Baby Mojo was born with a head full of hair.  Literally from the very first instant we saw him he had a dark brown patch of hair on his head that only got longer and lighter as he got older.   At the very tender age of six months old his mother gave him his first haircut.

Around nine months old he was starting to look like a very young member of The Beatles or a background character in Fraggle Rock.  I entertained the idea of Continue reading Baby Mojo’s first haircut

Danger is relative to the size of the person

I’m fortunate enough to be a stay at home dad so during the week I get to watch Baby Mojo crawl over obstacles, try to eat the cats’ tail and avoid the sharp angles in the house.    As an almost ten month old toddler he’s navigating the house and keeping an eye out for the closets where we’ll eventually hide his Christmas presents.  Continue reading Danger is relative to the size of the person

Once more with feeling-Crash course in reality television

I had always been curious about reality television.  When I had the opportunity to have It’s Me or the Dog tape an episode at PAWS Atlanta I jumped at the chance.  Prior to their taping I had several conversations with the producers and explained why the shelter would be a good candidate for the show.  The producers had been kicking around the possibility of doing an episode of It’s Me or the Dog that was centered on an animal shelter, instead of a family having issues with a couple of dogs.  Continue reading Once more with feeling-Crash course in reality television

CATS-off Broadway and in your house

I’m a stay at home dad now. My wife said that she knew that I loved our son because when he was born I rubbed noses with him like I do with our cats.  For the first couple years of our marriage she would occasionally (sarcastically?) accuse me of liking the cats more than her.  Now we’re deeper into our marriage and I know that she was being sarcastic. 

Cats are great pets, but they sometimes get a bum rap.  Continue reading CATS-off Broadway and in your house

It’s a dog’s life

As a child everything I knew about dogs I learned from Snoopy.   Since then, I’ve worked at one of the largest animal shelters in Atlanta doing their communications, PR, offsite events and fundraising.  It was during that time, in addition to my own 10 years of owning dogs; that taught me lots about what works and what doesn’t for folks who are thinking about adopting a dog. Continue reading It’s a dog’s life

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