We The People!, a graphic novel smart enough to be simple

Prior to reading We The People! I had no idea about the woman who was the first Second Lady and the second First Lady. Abigail Adams was the wife of John Adams, the first Vice President and second President of the United States. Abigail Adams is also the narrator in Big Ideas That Changed The World, We The People! The Big Ideas That Changed The World graphic novel series is from Don Brown and absolutely nails the intersection of education and entertainment down to the floor. We The People! gives people a deep, yet entirely accessible, dive into American democracy and how it came to be.

We The People! is a non-fiction graphic novel from the Big Idea series that makes the complex topic of democracy interesting and approachable.
Fun and education need not be separate

The Replay: 25 Greatest Moments in Sports, worldwide appeal play

There is a sport that no elementary school-aged kid likes. There is a sport that the vast majority of elementary school children like. There’s a sport somewhere that’s the official sport of a county or their national pastime. Some of these sports get more of the spotlight when the Olympics roll around, some have seasonal happenings and some of them have produced iconic images that folks around the globe will recognize. The Replay: 25 Greatest Moments in Sports is an illustrated book that looks at 25 specific instances in sports competitions that today’s elementary school students probably won’t know.

The Replay: 25 Greatest Moments in Sports is a global look at historic moments in modern competition that ages 7 and up will dig.
The more you know, the motivating sports version for ages 7 up
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