A Tale As Tall As Jacob, family, life and entertaining

Here, read this all-age graphic novel about ADHD. Here, read this all-age graphic novel about a funny, real, and sometimes contentious relationship about a pair of siblings. As a written description it’s possible that neither one of those sentences might attract the elementary-aged reader to A Tale As Tall As Jacob. However, the benefit of an effective all-age graphic novel is that the images in the can bring in readers who otherwise might not have been interested in it. On the cover, we see a giant youth who is wreaking havoc in the house as his family runs for cover. Is this a Paul Bunyon tale, the story of a child with an active imagination, or something entirely different?

A Tale As Tall As Jacob is an all age graphic novel that sneaks in with wit, charm and family about a topic you might otherwise avoid, ADHD.
An engaging all age graphic novel on family you say?
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