A Year Full of Celebrations and Festivals makes learning fun

A Year Full of Celebrations and Festivals is the kind of book I would’ve loved as a child. Growing up in the United States I knew about all of our festivals and holidays, but what really intrigued me were the international ones that my classmates or neighbors celebrated. I wanted to try the foods that they ate on those days and had umpteen questions about why they did or believed certain things. When I got older those questions only got more involved as I worked at EPCOT and actually became friends with people from all over the world. A Year Full of Celebrations and Festivals by Christopher Corr and Claire Grace is a reference book for grades three and up that takes a look at over 90 celebrations from around the world. It is a reference book, so it’s encyclopedic in nature. However, it’s also loaded with illustrations and brightly colored pages that entice young readers to keep turning the pages.

A Year Full of Celebrations and Festivals is a well constructed book that educates and entertains kids on global happenings.
It’s a reference book. It’s fun to read. It’s a unicorn.
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