Sharing A Smile, illustrated comfort pandemic food for masks and more

When I lived in Japan I saw civilians wearing masks in public for the first time. Sure, the pollution wasn’t great, but I just couldn’t get comfortable with wearing them. Fast forward to today and manufacturers have made quality, comfortable masks that you can purchase as many stores. Unfortunately, this was due to the worldwide pivot that everyone had to make due to COVID. Sharing A Smile is an illustrated book that looks at a neighborhood during this through a young girl’s eyes. It’s a sweet book that has a very calming vibe for early through middle elementary school students. However, is this just a COVID book, or does it have legs to push to a more universal and timeless appeal?

Sharing A Smile is a glass half full look at how one little girl and her grandfather handle the pandemic’s impact on their neighbors.
What difference can one girl and her grandfather do doing a pandemic?
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